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antonyms [Opposite] words of Praise

 praise opposite word, praise antonyms in English, praise opposite word in english, praise opposite word in marathi, praise opposite meaning in english, praise opposite, opposite of praise in marathi, opposite of praise in english, opposite of praise in spanish, opposite of praise in arabic, opposite of praise in kannada, antonyms of praise, antonyms of praise in english, antonyms of word praise, praise antonyms, praise antonyms meaning.

Opposite words of Praise and antonyms words of Praise


Opposite / antonyms

Opposite words of Praise in English


Opposite words of Praise Punjabi


Opposite words of Praise Urdu


opposite of Praise in marathi



opposite of praise in Spanish



opposite of praise in Arabic



Opposite words of Praise in gujarati



Opposite words of Praise telugu


Opposite words of Praise in Kannada



Opposite words of Praise in malayalam



opposite of Praise  in french


opposite of Praise in german


opposite of Praise in hindi



1.Meaning of praise (Antonyms of praise)

It means praise. To praise the goodness of a person. For example, if someone has donated to the poor, then singing the praises of this goodness is called praise. Another name for praise is to praise. We praise when we do something good for us. Although many times we also praise because we have to get some work done from the next person. Otherwise, the government officials of India may refuse to do the work of that person. So you must have understood the antonym of praise.


2. Meaning of evil (Antonyms of praise)

You must know very well about the evil word. Because a hundred evils come in the mind of a single person in a day. And evils are also a product of this nature. Just as goodness is also a gift of this nature itself. Evil means that which harms someone. Or that harms someone or the other. That would be called evil. Well, there are many evils in the society and country, you will not find a single good easily, but the evil will be found very soon.

If I look inside my room only then I will see many kinds of evils. So you know that evils are more while good are few.


And the most important thing is that most of you are bad first and then become good. The number of people who become good directly is very few.


Opposite (antonyms) words of Guest in English

Compliments Can Also Be Harmful To You story 

It is a thing of ancient times. A fierce lion lived inside a forest. He was very powerful. And whenever he feels hungry. He comes out of his cave and starts killing whatever he feels in a very cruel way. He kills as many animals as he wants. After eating meat, leaving the animals like this, he goes back inside the cave. Goes away There was no one to match that lion.


And all the creatures of the forest were very sad with that lion. But no one was thinking of any way to get rid of it. One day all the creatures of the forest called a meeting and it was decided that every day the animal would go inside the cave to the lion. Taking this thought, all the creatures went to the lion and said


…….. Sir you are a very powerful king. We want to make sure that the animals of the forest do not kill the animals unnecessarily, we will send one animal to you every day according to your turn. If you like this offer then give your opinion.


……..yes why not. This type of proposal will be very useful for me. I will not have to make any effort. And my prey will also reach to me. But you should also remember that if any day you sent hunting and did not reach me, then I I'll kill you all


——Ok sir, we have accepted your condition. And after that all the creatures of the forest came back. From that day onwards, this process started that every day an animal had to go to the lion. But even this did not reduce the suffering of the wild animals.


Once a rabbit's turn came. He thought that it was better to try to escape than to go and die in front of the lion. And thinking this, he reached the lion late. The lion came late seeing him and said…….One, you are so small. And it is late from above, I do not know that I will kill all the wild animals.



…..yes sir I know you are very powerful and there is no other like you.No one can challenge you. But what to do, I was caught in a problem inside the road, that's why I got late.


……….what problem?


……… He said that your lion is nothing in front of me. And he tried to eat me.


I told him that our king is very powerful. And he can do anything. Like you, he runs away by pressing his tail in front of him.


……… yes you said right. First you come with me and tell where does that lion live. I want to show him my power.


And after that the rabbit took the lion to a well and said………. The lion lives inside it. Sir, you are powerful, you can kill him and eat me. Really no one can compete with you. I hope you will not run away by pressing your tail.


When the lion looked inside the well, he saw his own shadow. That roar and his shadow did the same.




………Your were not a coward. If you do not do this then this lion will occupy the whole forest. The rabbit praised the lion and the foolish lion jumped inside the well.


After falling down, it was found that there is no other lion here. He shouted………Cheating deceiving rabbit, you have cheated on me. This is wrong.


…….Maharaj, every person here has the right to save his life. What you are doing is wrong in my eyes, so what I am doing is wrong in your eyes. But in reality it is not so easy to decide between right and wrong.

 praise opposite word, praise antonyms in English, praise opposite word in english, praise opposite word in marathi, praise opposite meaning in english, praise opposite, opposite of praise in marathi, opposite of praise in english, opposite of praise in spanish, opposite of praise in arabic, opposite of praise in kannada, antonyms of praise, antonyms of praise in english, antonyms of word praise, praise antonyms, praise antonyms meaning.

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