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seeing white bats in the dream

seeing white bats in the dream, white bats in the dream, white bats dream interpretation, seeing bats in dream meaning, white bats in your dream.

One of the creatures that moves in the sky is also a bat. Which is mainly seen flying at night. Apart from this, you will get to see these bats only in such places where humans do not live. Like a house which is now in ruins, then bats can be seen there.

Apart from this, this bat can be seen only in some forests. Wherever we live, there will be many types of wells. Sometimes you must have seen in some movies that when heroes or people enter a house which is closed for many months, then some creatures fly out from there. That's what bats are.

In this way, only black and brown bats are seen in large quantities on our earth. But apart from this, there are some bats whose color is white. But the surprising thing is that these bats are not easily visible to anyone.

But what about dreams, here those things are also shown which are never seen in real life. And in the same way white bats are also seen in dreams.

seeing white bats in the dream

Friends, just as black bats are considered inauspicious, in the same way white bats are called inauspicious in Islam. But if we talk about Hinduism, then the meaning of such dreams becomes. Because where the black bat gives signs of peace, lack of knowledge, success, disasters etc., the meaning of the dream of the white bat is different.

Because always white bats are also seen in different ways in dreams and its meaning is different, then it will be obvious that we have to talk about all dreams.

Like seeing white bats in the house in a dream, seeing white bats upside down, seeing white bats flying etc.

But before that, we know what can be the different meanings of seeing white bats in a dream –

1. Sign of own death

If such a bat is seen in a dream whose body color is white, then this dream means that you are going to end in your life i.e. you get the sign of death.

2. sign of death of a close person

When a white bat is seen in a dream, then this dream also means that not your death but someone close to you is going to die. This close person can be your own friend.

3. Point of attainment of heaven

If white bats are seen in a dream, then this dream means the death of you or someone close to you. But at the same time it is also indicated that whatever will be your self will get heaven and your soul will remain in heaven.

4. Sign of serious warning

Friends, in this dream, when the color of a bat is white, then it means a kind of warning and this warning shows the troubles coming in your life. In which you can also die. Because of which there is a need to be alert in life.

5. Sign of Reincarnation

Friends, seeing a white colored bat in a dream means that it is associated with rebirth. But to be reborn you have to give up this birth. Due to which this dream also indicates your death. After this a new birth will start for you. Which would be called reincarnation.

6. Signal of receiving good news

This dream also says that if you are happy and feel good after seeing white bats in your dream. So this dream does not affect you negatively. Rather, now there is a sign of getting a good news in your life.

seeing black bat in dream

7. Sign of child's death

Friends, the white bat in the dream is considered a symbol of death. But this dream also has a meaning that the person is about to die. He could be a child. That is, any of the children who are in your house may die.

8. Money Receiving Point

Friends, seeing white bats in a dream also means that the person who sees it is going to get money. But this money will be in the form of a treasury which is of their own.

9. Point of Rare Discovery

Friends, this type of dream also indicates that you are about to make a discovery in your life which will be a rare discovery. This search can be of any kind. Like treasure hunt for getting money etc.

10. Sign of the soul of a deceased loved one

Seeing white bats in a dream also means that you are going to be in trouble in your life. Due to which the soul of the deceased loved one gives you the signal to save life.

Seeing a white bat in this way has many meanings. Which depends on what kind of dream you have.

Because of which you should also know what kind of dream means, let's know -

1. White bat sees you in the dream

If you see a dream in which there is a bat. And this bat is not an easy bat, it is a white bat. And in this dream it is seen that the white bat is looking at you with oblique eyes.

Or it can be said that if the white bat looks at you with penny eyes, then this dream will mean that someone dear and close to you is going to die. That is, the person who is close to you is facing a crisis in his life, due to which he may die.

This close person can be a relative of yours. Apart from this, a friend is also always a close person, so this dream can also mean that your friend is going to die.

But here the dream also indicates that whosoever is the death of the person, he will get the heavenly world and his soul can enter the heavenly world. For this reason you should be careful in your life. So that the dangers coming in life can be avoided.

Therefore, the dream is giving signs of attainment of heaven along with death.

2. Seeing Buffalo White Bats in Dreams

Friends, the bats that are found in the baffled areas, their color is only white and when a person sees such a bat in his dream, it means that many types of problems are going to enter that person's life. Due to which he may die.

Because even in a simple form, when the color of the bat is white, it represents death and in this dream also there is a white bat, due to which it also means the same.

However, the sign of death that is received is applicable to the dreamer and the people close to him.

Because of which you may have to ask someone for help. Because death is not a small problem. The same if it happens for the people close to you, then those people need you. So you should help them.

2. Trying to catch the white bat in the dream

If you see something like this in your dream that there is a bat whose color is white. And you are trying to catch that bat again and again. So this type of dream can be considered good in your life.

Because this dream does not give any negative meaning. Rather, this dream means that you are different from others in your life. You are different from the people who live in the crowd and have different views from them.

This dream indicates that you want to make something different from the crowd. Want to get something different. But for this you have to work on your thoughts. Only then can you do something different that you can achieve in your life.

3. Feeling Uncomfortable After Seeing White Bats in Dream

If you see such a dream in your life in which there is a white colored bat and you are feeling uncomfortable after seeing this dream. So this dream cannot be considered good in your life. Because it is indicating many kinds of problems in life.

Because of which you have to find these problems and put an end to them. Otherwise, this problem can cause great harm in your life. In which your death can also be there.

4. Feeling Well After Seeing White Bats

If you are feeling well after having such a dream. That is, you are not afraid of this dream and you feel good. So the meaning of this dream changes. And now this dream gives good luck. And this dream indicates that some kind of good news is going to be received in your life.

Therefore, such a dream indicates getting good news.

5. Do not attack white bats in the dream

Friends, when you see in your dream that there is a bat whose color is white and it comes towards you flying from the sky. And you see that he is going to attack me. But this does not happen, but the bat does not attack.

So this type of dream does not mean bad. Rather, this dream means that a lot of trouble is going on in your life for many days or months. Due to which you have become very upset. But now the time has come to solve your problem.

And such a dream indicates that your troubles are about to end and you are also going to live a happy life.

6. Seeing Rare White Bats in Dreams

This type of dream is considered good in everyone's life. Because this dream means that something is going to happen in the life of the dreamer which will be important and good for him.

Like if you have seen a rare white bat, it would mean that you are about to find a rare one. The same type of dream also means that you are going to get money. And this money will also be obtained through a search. However, the wealth that is there will be of your own ancestors. Which they have hidden somewhere due to some reason and now you are going to get that money.

7. Watching White Bats Move Without

If a man sees a bat that does not fly or does not walk. That is, he does not make any kind of movement. That is, if a bat is seen sitting at some place, then it does not move. So this dream cannot be considered good. Because the result of not moving the bat indicates any kind of death. Which can be from any of your family members.


8. Seeing White and Black Bats in Dreams

Friends, the dream of both types of bats in the dream is inauspicious. Because where white bats are considered a sign of death, black bats are considered to be a sign of personal disaster. Due to which it can be said that the dream of both of these is completely inauspicious.

If you have this kind of dream then you need to be cautious in life. Because in both types of dreams there is a sign of problems or difficulties coming.

Which can lead to your death because white bats are seen.

In this way, seeing white bats in all kinds of dreams seen by humans means that something bad is about to happen. And it will be so bad that the person may even die. Perhaps one of the family members of the dreamer may die. It may also happen that the person whom he considers to be his beloved, may die. Because the white bat is completely associated with the death of the person.

Did you get the answer of your dream, if not, then don't forget to tell about your dream.


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