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limcee tablet is generally used inside problems like nutritional deficiency. Friends, the dosage of this medicine may vary depending on age and gender. You should know about this. And you may have to face some side effects from consuming this medicine.


By the way, the side effects which are there, they do not last long. But even after that, if the side effects do not stop, then you have to consult your doctor once and you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you. Can you understand. You should use this medicine only when directed by your doctor. And if the doctor will prescribe the medicine over the prescription, then you can use this medicine. You should know about it.


Limcee tablet uses

Vitamin C deficiency


nutritional deficiency








 limcee tablet uses Vitamin C deficiency

Vitamin C is a very important thing for the body and it provides nutrition to the body. You should be well aware of this. This medicine is given for Vitamin C so that it can be supplied inside the body.


• By consuming vitamin C, aging can be reduced and it helps a lot in reducing the effect of your age. You should be well aware of this.

• Apart from this, friends, the special thing about vitamin C is that it gives us the ability to fight cancer. You already know how cancer is spreading very fast nowadays.

• Apart from this, vitamin C which is there, it works to reduce stress. And you know that at this time a lot of burden has increased on every human being. He is so busy with everything that he does not understand what to do. Stress is common under work pressure.

• For the absorption of iron

• To heal wounds

• Reducing inflammation in the body, alleviating arthritis and other inflammatory conditions

• Apart from this, vitamin C also works to increase the immunity of the body. If the immunity inside the body is not good, then we will fall ill again and again, which will cause a lot of trouble, you can understand this very well. You should know about this.

• If you have any problem related to intestine then vitamin should be consumed. It is much more beneficial for you. You should be well aware of it and you can understand.

Friends, if there is a deficiency of Vitamin C inside the body. So its effect starts falling on the body parts as well. You should know about this. Its many effects start appearing such as anemia, fatigue, sudden bleeding, pain in various organs and pain inside the gums.


 You may see symptoms. You should know about this.



• 40mg vitamin C per day for 6-month-old babies

• 50mg par day for 7 to 12 month old babies

• 15mg par day for children 1 to 3 years old

• 25mg par day for a child of 4 to 8 years

• 45mg par day for 9 to 13 year olds

• 75mg per day for 14 to 18 year olds

• 65mg daily for 14 to 18 year old girls

If there is a deficiency of vitamin C inside the body, then its symptoms also start appearing. You should be well aware of this. With the help of these symptoms, you can identify that there is a deficiency of Vitamin C inside the body, then you should know.

• Irritability

• Loss of appetite

• lethargy

• Weight loss

• fever

• Weakness

• Leg pain

• Exhaustion

• bleeding under the skin

• Pain in chest

• Scars of red-blue color on the legs and feet

• Tooth decay

• Wounds take longer to heal

• Weakening immunity.

• Anemia, mood changes,

• Frequent irritability and depression

• Headache

• Bleeding in the intestines.

• bleeding gums

• Dry eyes, irritability,

• Bleeding in the white part of the eyes.

• Blurred appearance

• swollen joints

• Shortness of breath

If the above-mentioned symptoms appear, then you should contact your doctor as soon as possible and if you contact early, then treatment can be done on time, otherwise instead of being treated, the problem will increase a lot. Must know.


Talking about the reason for the lack of vitamin C, there can be many reasons for this. The body stores some vitamin C inside itself. And if you do not get vitamin C continuously for 3 months, then after that scurvy disease occurs. Therefore, vitamin C should be consumed continuously.



Friends, let us tell you that vitamin C is found inside fruits and vegetables. Your body cannot make vitamin C on its own. It usually gets vitamin C from external dietary sources. If the body does not get vitamin C externally, then many types of diseases arise.


And you know that we eat food after cooking and due to cooking of food, vitamin C is destroyed. You should be well aware of this, you can understand.


• After the operation

• On increasing the amount of thyroid

• Severe diarrhea

• Iron deficiency

• Lack of protein

• Frequent vomiting

• People who smoke

Vitamin C can be consumed under all these conditions. You should know about this.


We are going to talk about the prevention of vitamin C deficiency. Friends, for vitamin C, you need to eat good food. You should know about this. If you eat nutritious food then it will be very beneficial for your health. For this you can consume fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is present in fruits and vegetables. You should know about it. There are some things that can supply vitamin C inside your body, so let us know.


• Guava

• Black Raisin

• Red chilly

• Kiwi

• Green chilli

• Orange

• Yellow Capsicum

• paprika


• Papaya

• Lychee

• Lemon

• Broccoli

• parsley

• Pineapple


• Grapefruit

Zerodol-P Tablet |Uses in | Side Effects

limcee tablet uses in hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a problem in which the thyroid gland inside your neck produces more hormones. The thyroid gland regulates your metabolism through the release of these hormones.

Talking about the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, there are many symptoms, with the help of which you can identify this disease and go to your doctor. Huh. This is called hypermetabolic.


There may be high blood pressure and tremors in the hands etc. Apart from this, weight loss can occur due to these problems and the periods inside women become irregular, you can understand.


• increased appetite

• Nervousness

• Restlessness

• Inability to concentrate

• Weakness

• Irregular heartbeat

• Difficulty falling asleep

• having brittle hair

• Itching

• hair fall

• nausea and vomiting

• Enlargement of men's breasts

The exact cause of hyperthyroidism is not known. But it is believed that women are more prone to this disease than men. You should know about this. And the disease that occurs can also be genetic. You should know about this.


• Overworking of the thyroid nodules

• Excessive intake of triiodothyronine (T3) can also cause this problem.

• Tumors in the ovaries or testes.

• Tumors in the thyroid or pituitary gland.

• Consuming more iodine etc.

If you have any problem with hyperthyroidism then you should talk to your doctor. Your doctor will tell you what to do. Don't hide your problem. If you hide the problem, the problem will get worse. You should know about this.


Talking about prevention of hyperthyroidism, it cannot be prevented. And in most cases it is genetic. So you have to bear it. Yes, if someone has this problem then it can be treated with the help of medicines, you should know.


If you go to the doctor to get tested for hyperthyroidism, your doctor may ask you to do several tests. Below we are telling you something about its investigation.


• Medical history and physical examination The doctor examines your finger tremors and eye changes. Apart from this, it is seen whether the gland is enlarged or not?

• Your doctor may also do a cholesterol test. Based on its investigation, guesses the problem. You should be well aware of this, you can understand.

• Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Level Test: The hormone of the pituitary gland is checked, which should be low, this hormone works to stimulate the second gland. You should be well aware of this, you can understand.

• Measures the entire thyroid gland with the help of ultrasound. And it is seen that its size is not increased.

• With the help of CT or MRI scan, it is checked whether there is any kind of tumor inside the body. So that the problem can be caught properly.

Talking about the treatment of hyperthyroidism, you can do this in many ways. If you go to the doctor, then antithyroid drugs or radio-active iodine drugs are given after that.

• Antithyroid drugs work much better in this case. If you have had this problem for the first time and your age is less than 50 then you are entitled to this medicine. The rest of your doctor decides which medicine to give you.

• Radioactive Iodine is also a good medicine, with the help of which this problem is treated. You should know about this and you can understand. These medicines are more commonly used when you are over 50 and have problems like a lump in the thyroid.

• In this problem of thyroid, there is no need to do any kind of surgery. But if the thyroid gland has grown too much, then you will have to undergo surgery and after that the problem will be cured. And there is also surgery for the lump.

• Your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test should always be done during and after treatment for hyperthyroidism. These tests help to see how your treatments are working.

• In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland makes too little thyroid hormone. Which can also be treated. So talk to your doctor about this too and the instructions your doctor gives you. It is very important for you to follow it, you can understand.

 limcee tablet uses in trauma

This medicine is also used inside trauma. Trauma is one such event. Inside which human being gets emotional, psychological and physical damage. Humans do not know how to react to such incidents. This medicine is used to deal with this condition. It is very beneficial. You should be well aware of this and you can understand.


• serious illness

• war

• natural calamity

• Terror

• move to a new location

• parental abandonment

• Domestic Violence

• Death of someone in the family

• Or if there is an accident etc.

When such untoward incidents happen, people can respond in many ways. But some people have a very bad effect on such incidents and due to them their mind gets spoiled. You should know about it.


• Irritability

• Sudden mood swings

• Anxiety and nervousness

• Anger

• Refuse

• depression

Symptoms like these are seen inside such persons, if someone has trauma, then after that he should contact his doctor and you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you. This will be right for you and you can understand the matter very well.


 limcee tablet uses in nutritional deficiency

Friends, this medicine is also used inside nutritional deficiency. The body needs a lot of nutrition. You should know about this. If there is a lack of nutrition inside the body, then many types of diseases occur after that. You should know about it. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids also play an important role in maintaining your better health. When the body is either not getting the nutrition within the proper amount or the body is not able to absorb the nutrition within the proper amount, then it needs nutrition. known as deficiency. Many diseases can be caused due to lack of nutrition. You should be well aware of this and you can understand.

• iron deficiency

• Vitamin A deficiency

• Vitamin D deficiency

• Calcium deficiency

• Deficiency of Vitamin B1 or Thiamine

• Deficiency of Vitamin B3 or Niacin

• Vitamin B9 or folate deficiency

• Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin

Friends, if there is a lack of nutrition inside the body, then its different symptoms start appearing. You should know about this. There are many symptoms due to this, so let us know about some symptoms which can be due to lack of nutrition.


• fatigue

• Weight below normal

• Anemia

• sore mouth

• Numbness in fingers

• vision loss or night blindness

• Twitching or cramping

• goiter or goiter

• Constipation

• muscle cramps

• Hair fall

• Yellowing of the skin

• Heaviness of head, dizziness

• Mental illness

Friends, if we talk about the lack of nutrients, then there are many reasons for the lack of nutrients inside the body, with the help of which there is a deficiency in nutrients, so let us know about the reasons due to which the nutrients are less. become.


• Colon Cancer

• Crohn's disease

• Imbalance between the microorganisms present in the gut

• Infection in the stomach

• Inflammation of the digestive tract

Nutritional deficiencies can occur even during pregnancy. A pregnant woman needs more food. And if that woman does not consume more food, then due to this there is a lack of nutrition inside her body and she becomes very weak. And it also has an effect on the child to be born. You should be well aware of this and you can understand the matter.


Talking about testing for nutritional deficiency, if you go to the doctor, then the doctor looks at the history of your disease and after that decides what to do? For this he can also do some tests. such as physical examination


 Determination of Body Mass Index (BMI)


To test the blood inside the body so that it can be known whether the nutrients are going inside the body or not.


Friends, the deficiency related to the nutrients that are inside the body is not noticed many times and when the problem becomes very big then after that go to the doctor for its treatment and later the problem becomes very complicated. Because of this, difficulties have to be faced.

If we talk about the treatment of nutritional deficiency, then for this you have to go to the doctor. Your doctor may prescribe you certain medicines. So that the problem can be solved. Apart from this, you may be asked to eat some such things which the body needs.


Nutritional supplements are to be given to the patient orally or intravenously and the doctor can also prescribe the diet plan according to the patient's needs. Due to which the lack of nutrition inside his body will go away. But if you want to overcome the lack of nutrition, then you have to eat good food continuously, only then you will get some benefit, otherwise you should not expect any benefit. And if you will never feel the lack of nutrients in the future, then you can understand the matter.


limcee tablet uses on burning

Friends, the problem of burning is the most common. Sometimes the skin gets burnt due to contact with fire or any chemical. Burning may be more or less usually. And if for some reason the body burns more, then after that the death of a person can also happen. You should know about this. If there is less burn then it can be treated at home. But if a person has suffered severe burns, it cannot be treated at home. For this you have to contact the hospital. And only the doctor will treat it properly, you should know about it.


If some part of a person is burnt then it is very good to pour water on that part. The burnt part should not be tampered with. That would be right for you.



Friends, jealousy is of different types. It can vary from minor irritation. You should know about this. If there is a minor burn, it can be cured very easily. But if there is a severe burn, then it is very difficult to cure it. You should know about this.


Let us tell you that burning is divided into different parts. So let's know about the types of irritation


• First-degree burns are a common type of burn. Inside which only the upper skin burns and it turns black. And the skin turns red. And pain can be felt inside it. It may take several weeks to recover.

• What happens inside a second-degree burn is that it affects your upper skin and the other skin beneath it. You should know about this. Due to this, blisters also occur. And swelling and pain are felt inside the affected area. And the skin becomes very red. You should know about this.

• Burns that penetrate both layers and reach the nerve inside third-degree burns are known as third-degree burns. You should be well aware of this. And once the nerve is burnt your skin becomes numb after that.

• Fourth-degree burn This is the most dangerous type of burn. What happens inside this is that your bones get burnt even then and the death of a person can also happen inside this stage. You should know about this.

Talking about the causes of burning, there are many reasons for this. And in most cases, such problems arise because of their own mistakes. You should know about this.


• Many times we accidentally come in contact with electricity, then it can cause burns. And then you may need to see a doctor.

• Exposure to fire can also result in burns. And many people can get burnt due to being caught in the fire.

• Apart from this, sometimes we can also get burnt due to exposure to any kind of acid. You should also know about this very well, you can understand.

• Exposure to hot liquids can also cause burns. You should know about this.

If we want to stop to avoid burning, then there are many steps you can take for this. With the help of which you can stop burning. So let's know. Here are some tips that can help you.

• Friends, if you cook food on the stove, then you need to be careful. Because while cooking on the stove, you can get burnt because of the wood or a cucumber can jump. Because of which you can get burnt. So you need to be careful you can understand.

• If you cook on gas then you need to be more careful. Because gas is very dangerous. If you leave the gas on, it can cause a major accident. And if there is a fire inside the gas, then you should also come up with a way to extinguish it.

• If you work with electrical wiring, wear gloves and work to reduce the risk of electrocution. And take utmost care if possible work with the necessary safety equipment that will be right for you and you can understand well.

• If you use hot liquids, then you should be well aware that you should keep pets away from it and you yourself should stay well away from all these things, this will be the best and best for you . You should know about it.

• If you are cooking, then you should not wear loose clothes for this. Because fire easily gets inside these clothes. Therefore, while cooking, wear such clothes that it does not catch fire easily.

• Apart from this, it is very important to keep those substances which burn quickly away from the furnace and heater. You should be well aware of this.

• If you consume bidi cigarette etc., then you should not consume all these things around your bed and around the burning places. Because it may all catch fire and later you yourself can also get burnt inside this fire. You should know about this.

limcee tablet uses in scurvy

Scurvy disease occurs when there is a deficiency of vitamin C. You should be well aware of this. Vitamin C deficiency is usually rare as most cases get vitamin C from their diet. You should be well aware of this and you can also understand. Due to scurvy, there can be loss of blood in the body, weakness, tiredness, pain in the hands, pain in the feet, pain in the legs and ulcers inside the gums If there is such a problem then you should consult your doctor once.


Let us tell you that by doing a blood test, it is found out whether there is a deficiency of vitamin C inside the body or not? And only after that the doctor takes appropriate steps, you should be well aware of this. Can you understand.


Vitamin C should be consumed to avoid scurvy disease. If you do not consume vitamin C, then it stops the growth of the body and problems start to occur inside the wound healing, you should be well aware of this and if you have scurvy disease, then it should be taken to your doctor as soon as possible. It should be shown otherwise a big problem can be born. You should be well aware of this.

Scurvy disease is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient found in the diet. And if this disease occurs, then many types of functions are affected after that. You should be well aware of this.


Talking about the symptoms of scurvy, there can be many symptoms of this disease which you can see. You should be well aware of this and the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency start appearing within 8 to 12 weeks.


• Skin yellowing

• Diarrhea

• fatigue

• Loss of appetite

• fever

• feeling tired

• Eyes move inwards.

• Irritability

• lethargy

• Leg pain

• breathlessness

• low blood pressure

• Chest pain

• Bleeding from slight rubbing inside the gums

• Changes inside the hair.

• Skin dryness and itching

• Gastrointestinal bleeding

• You can understand the swelling inside the joints and the feeling of pain when walking.

• The mouth is not cleaned properly and dental diseases occur.

If we talk about seeing a doctor, then you see some of the above-mentioned symptoms, then after that you can consult your doctor and your doctor gives you the instructions. You must follow it. That would be right for you. And you should see your doctor as soon as possible. If you do not see your doctor on time, then the problem gets worse instead of less. You should understand about this very well and this will be right for you.


Talking about the causes of scurvy, as we have told you above that scurvy is usually caused due to deficiency of vitamin C. If there is less vitamin C inside the body then it can lead to rash. Let us tell you that vitamin C is not made inside the body. To achieve this, you have to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. You should be well aware of this and you can understand. If you do not consume vitamin C for several months, then after that it starts affecting your body. You should be aware of this and scurvy from it


Illness ensues. You should be well aware of this.

• If you are intoxicated, it reduces the ability of the body to absorb vitamin C. You should be well aware of this and you can understand.

• Pregnancy or breast-feeding If you are pregnant, this is also because of the need for vitamin C. You should be well aware of this and you can understand the matter.

• Vitamin C is not able to reach inside the body even due to eating a very small amount of food, due to which its deficiency occurs. You should also know about this. If you also eat less food then you will have to increase your food.

There are some such problems due to which the risk of scurvy increases significantly. You should be well aware of this and you can understand.


• severe indigestion

• Inflammatory Bowel Disease

• Malnutrition disorders

• Patients on dialysis

• Chronic diarrhea

• Lack of water in the body

• Alcohol addiction

• In case of kidney failure.

Vitamin C is needed to prevent scurvy. Adults ages 19 to 64 need to get 40 mg of vitamin C a day. And let us also tell you that the vitamin C that is there is not stored inside your body. Rather, you have to take it inside your body every day.


• Broccoli




• Asparagus


• Grapefruit


• Kiwi



• Sprouted Grains

There is vitamin C inside all of them, so you can consume vitamin C. It will be very beneficial for you. You should be well aware of this.


Is the consumption of limcee tablet safe for pregnant women?

limcee tablet is generally a very safe medicine for pregnant women. And it doesn't do any harm. You should be well aware of this. But if you are taking any kind of medicine, then we want to tell you that you should consult your doctor once. And you should follow the instructions given by your doctor. That would be right for you. And you can understand.

 Is limcee tablet safe for pregnant women?

Friends limcee tablet is safe for pregnant women. And it is very beneficial. But you should speak to your doctor once and for all what your doctor gives you. You should follow it, it will be right for you.


What is the effect of taking limcee tablet on the kidney?

Friends, if you consume limcee tablet, then it does not have any bad effect on your kidneys. You should know about it. Apart from limcee tablet, if you have any kind of kidney problem and you are taking any medicine, then you should tell your doctor about all those medicines and you should follow whatever your doctor is giving you.


What is the effect of taking limcee tablet on the liver?

Taking limcee tablet does not have any side effect on the liver. But if you have any liver disease then you should consult your doctor once. And what your doctor gives you. You must follow it. And if you are taking any kind of medicines, then tell your doctor about those medicines. And after that this medicine can be taken with all those medicines or not. Talk to your doctor about this.


What is the effect of limcee tablet on your heart?

Friends, limcee tablet does not have any bad effect on your heart. If you are suffering from any kind of heart related problem then consult your doctor once and you should follow the instructions that your doctor is giving you.



If you are taking any medicine related to heart, then you should also tell your doctor once about it. That would be right for you.


What is the habit of consuming limcee tablet?

You can not feel any habit by taking limcee tablet. And because it's not the same thing as alcohol. And this medicine does not cause any addiction. You should be well aware of this.


Is it safe to drive after consuming limcee tablet?

You can drive after taking limcee tablet. Because this medicine does not affect your brain. As it does not affect your mind, you can drive easily. You should know about this.


How safe is it to take limcee tablet?

Friends, if you take limcee tablet after consulting a doctor, then this medicine is quite safe. You should know about this. It can cause harm if you consume this medicine without consulting a doctor. You should know about this.


Can limcee tablet be used for any psychological disorder?

You cannot use limcee tablet for any kind of psychological problems. If you have any kind of psychological problem then you should consult your doctor once and you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you. This will be very beneficial for you. You can also understand about this very well.

Can I drink alcohol after consuming limcee tablet?

Friends, you cannot drink alcohol after consuming limcee tablet. If you drink alcohol it can cause harm. Therefore, you should not consume alcohol, otherwise it may cause harm. You should be well aware of this.


 Where can I buy limcee tablet?

Friends, you can buy limcee tablet online. You will get it very easily. And if you do not get it online then after that you can buy it offline also. You will get it easily. You should know about this.


What to do in case of overdose of limcee tablet

Friends, limcee tablet should be consumed within the right amount. If an overdose occurs then it can cause many damages, so in case of overdose you should consult your doctor. and follow the instructions that the doctor gives you


needed . That would be right for you. Overdose should be avoided as far as possible. If you do not remember, then after that you can take the help of another person. You should be well aware of this also.


What to do if I forget a dose of limcee tablet?

Friends, if you miss any dose of limcee tablet then you should contact your doctor and follow the instructions given by your doctor. Apart from this, it also has to be kept in mind that if you do not take any two doses together, then there may be damage. You should know about this.

limcee tablet uses side effects, limcee tablet uses for - diabetes, throat infection, cough, acne, face, skin,child, use of limcee tablet ,how to use limcee tablet, can we use limcee tablet.


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