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17 meanings of seeing a full pot in the dream

 seeing a full pot in the dream meaning, full pot in the dream,  seeing a full pot in the dream, seeing a full pot in the dream hindu interpretation 

 something or other can be seen inside the dream. In fact, such things are also visible. If you see a pot full of water in your dream, then it is considered an auspicious sign. But in most of the cases, it gives an indication of how you are looking at the pot. A pot full of water can also be inauspicious in many cases in the dream.

Here we are going to discuss in detail that if you see a pot full of water, it is inauspicious and if you see a pot full of water, it can be auspicious.

1. Seeing a pot full of water in your house in a dream

dream of seeing a mother full of water

 Friends, if you see a pot full of water inside your house, then it is a good sign in a way. You should know about this. This means that prosperity is going to come inside your home. And everything is going to be wonderful in your life. Overall, if you see a pot full of water in your house, then it can be auspicious.

2. Seeing pot full in a temple in dream

Friends, if you go inside a temple in your dream and see a pot full of water there, then it is also a good sign in a way. You should know about this. It means that happiness is about to enter your life. You can understand this.

This means that it can indicate the coming of happiness and wealth in your life. Apart from this, this dream is a sign of good luck for you. It indicates the removal of bad luck.

3. Seeing a pot full of water near one's ancestors in the dream

Friends, if you dream in such a way that you see a pot full of water near your ancestors who are dead, then it can give two types of indications. One can be that you should give a pot of water for the peace of your ancestors. You can keep it on a pillow.

And the second indicates that your ancestors are in heaven and enjoying. So overall this is also neither a good nor a bad sign in a way.

4. seeping water from pot full of water in dream

If you see such a pot in your dream, inside which water is filled but there is a clue inside and water is leaking from inside, then it is not a good sign in a way. It means what you are working for in your life. Storing money etc. It would not be possible to have that store.

You will experience a lot of trouble in storing money because of your mistakes. If you can understand this, then because of this you may need to change things in the right way. You can understand this.

5. pot full of water coming out on the ground in dream  

Friends, if you dream that you are digging the ground and there you find a pot full of water which is old, then it is a very auspicious sign in a way. This may mean that you are going to get money soon. And this is a completely good sign for you, you can understand this.

If a pot filled with water comes out in your house, then it is considered even better.

6.  Seeing a pot full of water inside the crematorium in the dream

Meaning of seeing full pot in dream

Friends, if you see a pot filled with water inside the crematorium in your dream, then it is an inauspicious sign. The reason for this is that when someone dies in the crematorium, he is burnt after his death and then a pot filled with water is placed on his ashes. so that it can cool down

So it indicates that something very bad may happen in the near future. You can understand this.

But what can happen to whom? Finding out about this can be much more difficult. You can understand this and this will be right for you.

7. Seeing a full pot in front of your house in a dream

Friends, if you see in your dream that a pot full of water is found in front of your house, then it is also a kind of auspicious sign. This means that your destiny is going to open in the coming days. For this you do not need to worry much.

This dream indicates that you will get money and good days will come.

8. Seeing pot full of water kept in fire in dream

Friends, if you dream that you have kept a pot full of water in the fire, then it is a very bad sign in a way. This means that within the coming days, there is going to be a disturbance inside the peace of your house. This means that in the coming days, there can be a big storm in your life. You understand this very well. And what storm can that come? You have to think about it.

On the other hand, if you see this type of matka at your job or place of work, then you may lose your job and it is a sign of business collapse. You can understand this.

9. filling pot with water in dream

Friends, if you see such a dream in which you are filling a pot with water, then it is a good sign in a way. This means that a lot of money is going to come inside your house. You are being successful to a great extent within your savings plans. Overall, this is a very good dream for you. And in a way it is an auspicious sign. You can understand this.

Filling pot slowly with water in the dream indicates that money will come to you. But everything will not happen in a hurry. Happiness will come. But everything will happen slowly.

10. taking water out of pot in dream

taking water out of pot in dream

Friends, if you dream in such a way that you are slowly taking out the water from the pot, it means that you are spending your savings slowly. You need to keep the life saving things afloat. Otherwise, it will become empty very soon. And you could be in a lot more trouble.

11. Sharing pots full of water in dreams

Friends, if you are dreaming that you are distributing pots full of water, then it is a very good sign. It may mean that you are going to help others in the days to come.

 It is possible that you can donate to someone so we usually donate only when we have something. A poor person cannot do charity. So it indicates about your prosperity and money coming inside the house and money being spent inside the religious work, you can understand this thing.

On the other hand, if you are donating a pot filled with water inside the temple, then it is also a very good sign. You can understand this. And that would be right for you. Overall, this dream gives a good sign for you.

12. Stealing a pot full of water in dreams

Friends, if you dream of a pot full of water

If you steal gold, it is considered a very bad sign in a way and it means that you can do wrong things in the coming days and you can do a lot of damage to the prosperity of others, you should be aware of it. That's why you have to avoid doing wrong things. You can understand this.

On the other hand, if you are stealing matka from the enemy's house, then this dream is auspicious. It signifies that you are about to destroy the prosperity of your enemy. Meaning you are going to weaken your enemy, you can understand this.

13. bursting of pot filled with water in dream

Friends, usually we have to carry a pot full of water here and there many times. So let us tell you that if you are having such a dream in which you were carrying a pot full of water from here to there and it burst, then it is a kind of inauspicious sign.

This means that there is going to be trouble in your life about the meaning and the things worth living.

14. fighting for a pot full of water in a dream

Friends, if you dream in such a way that there is a pot full of water and you are fighting to get that pot. So this dream in a way expresses the struggle coming inside life. There may be some conflict inside your life.

If this pot was yours, it could mean that someone can claim your prosperity and happiness as their own. You should be careful. Apart from this, if this pot was not yours, then it means that you can go inside the wrong direction and try to snatch someone's happiness.

15. drinking pot water in dream

Friends, if you drink pot water in your dream, then in a way it indicates about the coming of happiness and peace in life. You should know about this. It means that all these things bring peace in your life. And everything is going to be good for you.

16. Seeing poison mixed in pot water in dream

Friends, if you dream in such a way that someone has mixed poison in the water of your pot, then it is a very bad sign in a way. This may mean that enemies can make a very fierce conspiracy against you. You should know about this.

And enemies will do anything to destroy you. That's why you need to think carefully about whatever you do. And you should not trust such people who can be in your enemy list.

This dream indicates to you that you need to be careful, otherwise you may have to bear a big loss.

17. Seeing pot water dirty in dreams

Friends, if you see in your dream that the pot is full of water and it is dirty, then it is not a good sign. This could mean that the things you are filling are of no use. Clean the dirt inside you. And you should stop collecting unnecessary things. Or else you should pay proper attention to cleanliness. Otherwise you may fall ill.

 seeing a full pot in the dream meaning, full pot in the dream,  seeing a full pot in the dream, seeing a full pot in the dream hindu interpretation 

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