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what is the antonyms (opposite) word of renown

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The antonyms (opposite) of renown in English


opposite word /antonyms word

Renown in English

Un-Renown, Inadequate, opprobrium, infamy, disgrace.


1.Meaning and antonyms of Renown

Renown means fame. Or whose honor has spread everywhere, he can be called a person of fame. Or Renown also means fame. Who would not want Renown in today's time? People are dying for fame. Everyone wants that his fame should spread all over the world. And people also make efforts for this. You must have seen that for this people do charity and do many religious works so that their fame spreads.


But fame does not spread to everyone. Well nowadays it has become very easy to achieve fame. Because give a lot of money to the newspaper and get the news written of your choice. Well let me tell you that you should not trust newspapers. Because they can show you false fame. You must have heard the name of Karna, the character of ancient times. Who was famous for his charity.


After becoming Angraj, Karna announced that during the day when he worships the Sun God, if anyone asks him for anything, he will not refuse and the one who asks will never return empty handed. And this charity of Karna was taken advantage of by Kunti and Pandavas in the war of Mahabharata.


Once when Karna was worshiping the Sun, the Sun God had also warned Karna that Indra can cheat with you and the same thing happened. Indra came in front of Karna in the guise of a sage and asked for his armor and kundal in charity because Everyone knew that if Kavach and Kundal were with Karna, it would be very difficult to defeat him.


 Not only this, Kunti had even taken a promise from Karna that he would not kill anyone other than Arjuna among the Pandavas. And the same thing happened, Karna did not try to kill anyone except Arjuna. The fame of Karna's charity was spread far and wide.


2. Meaning and meaning of Un-Renown

You already know about Un-Renown, it means evil. If you do bad deeds then your infamy will spread and you will prove to be a bad person in the eyes of others. You already know about Ravana. ?Ravana was a great wicked person. And he kidnapped Sita. Ravana is said to have committed a lot of atrocities. He had never followed the path of religion. This was the reason that Ravana's Un-Renown had spread far and wide. And this Un-Renown proved Ravana to be a bad person.


what is the antonyms (opposite) word of Condemnation

3. A story of Renown and Un-Renown

There was a village called Godhra. A king named Renown ruled there. That king was quite indebted. And used to serve his subjects very much. He was a very honest king. And even in battle he was very powerful. Discussions of his generosity were spread far and wide.


And this was the reason that the nearby kings also considered him a very good king. Once a princess of another kingdom saw that king and became infatuated with him, she wanted to marry him and for this she organized an examination and that famous king was also invited in this examination.



The kings who came from different states were sitting here and then a person said……all kings are welcome here. The princes of 26 states have come here. We will test everyone and whoever will pass the exam. The princess will choose him as her husband.


The condition in front of all the kings is that go and get the heads of 2 deer cut off. Who will bring it first? The same princess will marry but there are secret conditions in it, so you have to decide at your own discretion.


All the kings immediately went and brought the deer's head cut off. These deer were tied at one place. But for Renown Rajkumar also 2 deer were tied. He went to her but he did not behead her.


All the 25 princes put the deer's head in the court. And said……what kind of test is this, we all have completed your test. Now tell with whom the princess will be married?


……..no you have lost 25 out of 25 princes. An old man stood up and said?


……But how have we fulfilled your condition?


…..the condition which we mentioned is not valid. According to religion, killing innocent living beings is a crime.


——And Renown, why didn't you cut off the head of the deer?


…….I cannot cut off the head of a deer to marry a princess. I do not accept your condition. Because I can't break my principles just because I want to get married.


…….Rightly said . A person is the one who does not break the principles of religion for his own benefit, who has his own rules and rules. And if this condition was true, then a person walking on the path of Dharma would have preferred to lose.


……But Rajan, you got the deer killed just for the condition, is it also a sin?



…… No, we did not kill the deer, these were all fake. How long can a Renownful king who kills deer and animals remain Renownful? The rituals of karma gradually make him lose the kindness and he becomes cruel. Those who think that there is mercy even in the person who kills the living beings, then it is completely wrong because when the qualities of cruelty automatically enter in such people, it is not known. That's why I declare. I am that the princess will be married to King Renown and there is no more Renownful king in front of me than this.

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