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what is the opposite word of dream

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Opposite (antonyms) words of Dream in English


opposite word /antonyms word

Dream in English

awakening, wake.          

Dream in urdu


Dream in kannada



1.Antonyms and meanings of the dream

The antonym of dream is awakening. The dream means that the movie we see after falling asleep is a dream. Dream is an important part of our life and every day we keep dreaming some or the other. Mainly some dreams are very funny and some dreams are scary too. Some dreams are also imaginary. Dreams are mainly divided into two types. There are positive dreams which give us a message about something good happening. Like seeing a new house inside a dream.


2.Antonyms of dream

This dream is giving a good sign. At the same time, there are some dreams that receive negative messages. Like seeing someone injured in a dream and someone dying in a dream. Apart from this, scary dreams are those which create fear in you. For example, if you see a ghost in a dream, then it is called a scary dream for you.


Talking about the reason for dreaming, there are many reasons for this. Dreams mainly come as a sign as if you are troubled by some problem then you will get the same type of dreams mainly. Like you are worried about your marriage, then you can see someone's marriage in your dream or you can also see yourself getting married inside the dream. These types of dreams are a message to you that you need to solve your problem. the wanted.


3.  Meaning of Wake

The reverse of the dream is awakening. By the way, the dream is the name of a state. And this waking is another state which is also called awakening. When we dream we are inside the dream state. Here we have no idea of time. In a way, time becomes very slow here. But the time is known inside Wake. This is considered to be the best condition. Inside it we can easily decide what to do? This is the reason why human life is considered the best.


So hopefully you have understood the meaning of awakening. Well after awakening comes the dream and after that comes the Turiya state. Where there is no imagination.


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4. Dreamland Story

You must have heard the name of Sheikh Chilli, which is a character. Once Sheikh Chilli used to work at some Seth's place. Sheikh Chilli was lazy. Seth did not do any of the work given to him properly but seeing the condition of Sheikh Chilli's mother, Seth was not throwing him out of work. Once Seth sent other laborers to work in the field and sent Sheikh Chilli to the factory. Some work was done inside. Then a car stopped inside the factory and a pot was removed from the car.


After taking off the pot, a fat person came and said…….Seth ji, there is ghee inside the pot. Sister-in-law had asked to bring ghee. That's why I have brought it to deliver them.


Seth had to deliver ghee now, so he said to Sheikh Chilli…….See, you are careless, but if you have done this work, then I will give you a gold coin.


………but what is Sethji’s work? Sheikh Chilli spoke in the middle


…….hear this is a pot full of ghee. Have to come home safely. Remember, if it falls, its money will be deducted from the floating salary.


On hearing this, Sheikh Chilli picked up the pot and started walking very quickly. He started thinking that as soon as the pot will reach home. He will get a gold coin. With that gold coin he will buy a chicken. After that he will take care of her. When the hen lays the egg, the child will emerge from it and then in this way he will have many children. After that he will start running a rooster farm. By selling the chicken, he will become very rich. He will have a car and will move around in that car.


Then he will get married to a beautiful girl. That girl will be a angel and then there will be a child who will do mischief inside his courtyard. And he too will have fun with that child. But then Sheikh Chilli stumbles and falls on the ground. His pot explodes. And all the ghee gets scattered there. What was it then, Sheikh Chilli starts crying sitting there. Now he cannot hold the ghee back. On the other hand, even after a long time, Sheikh Chilli does not go to the house, then Seth's boy comes there searching for him.


Sheikh Chilli starts crying seeing him. ………it is not my fault. I don't know how the pot fell down and broke.


……..ok go and you will not get salary for 2 months from today. And after that he picks up Sheikh Chilli and puts it to work.


That's why it is said that dreaming is not a bad thing, but a person should always dream as many dreams as he can afford. . He has to come to the ground. And when his dream is broken then there will be pain.


Dreamingis not bad but just dreaming is bad. If you don't try then dreams can just give your mind some peace of mind for a while.

 what is the opposite of dream, dream opposite word in english, antonyms of dream in english, dream opposite word in kannada, dream opposite word meaning, dream opposite name, opposite of dream in urdu, opposite of dream in english, opposite of dream in kannada, what is the antonyms of dream, antonyms of dream words, antonyms of word dream, dream antonyms in english, american dream antonyms.

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