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drotin m tablet uses and all details

drotin m tablet uses in english, drotin m tablet dosage, drotin m tablet side effects, use of drotin m tablet , side effects of drotin m tablet , what is the use of drotin m tablet, drotin m medicine uses, drotin m for stomach pain, drotin m tablet in pregnancy.

Drotin m tablet is available in tablet form at medical stores. And it is used especially for stomach pain. If we talk about its dosage, then its dosage can be different according to gender and age and disease. You should take as much dose as your doctor gives you. Taking an overdose can prove to be very fatal for you. Apart from this, there may be some side effects from consuming this medicine but these side effects do not last very long. Within no time it all ends.


Using Drotin M tablet can have a bad effect on the kidney and liver. If someone has a disease like asthma, then he should not take this kind of medicine, otherwise the problem may increase further. Apart from this, lactating women also need to stay away from this medicine.


drotin m tablet uses in English

Let us now try to know in detail about drotin m tablet uses in English. This medicine is mainly used for colic and abdominal pain. So let's know a little about these diseases too.


drotin m tablet uses intra colic


Colic usually occurs in young children who are less than 4 months old. is inside them. In such a situation the child cries a lot. The child's parents try to silence him but the child does not remain silent under any condition.


Is. And it is also a disturbing experience for the parents of the child. They try to silence the child but even after that the child does not remain silent. Although this problem gets resolved on its own but it is quite disturbing.

Talking about the symptoms of colic, it happens inside that the child does not get a hundred under any condition nor does he breastfeed. Even trying to silence is in vain. However, it is not known why this disease occurs. But just some guesses.


Under this condition, the child may have some internal problems such as constipation, GERD, lactose intolerance, anal fissure or migraine. Friends, this problem is treated on its own, but if the child is very serious then he should go to the doctor. Carrying becomes very important.


Due to this type of disease, the baby constantly cries loudly. And when parents try to silence him, even after that he does not remain silent.

Due to this problem, the baby keeps on crying for no reason. And it can wet the diaper too.

The baby cries very loudly and also passes gas.

Due to this disease, the face of the baby turns red and the skin of the face also starts appearing yellow.

The baby starts to appear very upset and irritable after crying.

When a baby cries, it can appear under a lot of stress, such as clenching the fist, pulling the hands and slamming the feet vigorously.

The above-mentioned symptoms are just normal, but even after this some serious symptoms appear, then the baby should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible. like these symptoms


When not to breastfeed baby

He is crying very fast.

He looks quite lethargic.

The baby is having a high fever.

He is having problems breathing.

And the baby is having seizures.

drotin m tablet uses in stomach pain

Friends, drotin m tablet uses are also done in stomach pain. Stomach pain is a common problem. There can be a sudden sharp pain in the upper or lower part of the abdomen inside it. Or there may be a slow pain. Abdominal pain may get better on its own after some time or it may go on for a long time. The timing of the pain depends on what kind of pain it is.



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If we talk about common abdominal pain, then it can be inside half the stomach. It can also be due to common stomach problems such as excess gas in the stomach or any kind of indigestion problem can also cause pain. This pain usually gets better with the help of minor home remedies.

Localized pain Abdominal pain can occur inside any part of the abdomen. And its symptoms can get worse over time. Gallbladder disease or peptic ulcer disease can cause abdominal pain. This pain can also be due to swelling in the abdomen. If it is not treated on time, then the problem can become more serious after that. If it is treated properly then this pain gets cured easily.

Cramps are also a cause of abdominal pain. When stool and gas do not pass from the stomach, it causes colic. However, cramps can also occur in some women during menstruation. It usually gets better on its own. If someone's stomach cramps persist for a long time, it can become very painful. If there is no relief, then it is necessary to see a doctor. The doctor may prescribe some medicines so that the stomach pain gets relief easily.

Is drotin m tablet safe for pregnant women?

Friends, if a pregnant woman wants to consume drotin m tablet, then she should not take it on her own will. Otherwise it can have serious side effects. Before taking drotin m tablet, consult your doctor once and take this tablet only if your doctor allows it, otherwise you should not take this tablet.


Is the use of Drotin M tablet safe for pregnant women? (drotin m tablet in pregnancy)

Although the use of drotin m tablet will not be suitable for lactating women, but once a doctor should be consulted. If the doctor allows it, then after that you should use it. And that could be a lot better for you.


What is the effect of drotin m tablet on kidney?

Friends, drotin m tablet has very little effect on your kidneys. But if you already have any kind of kidney problem then you should consult your doctor before taking this medicine. Or if you are going to prescribe medicine then you should tell your doctor about it. Only then should the medicine be prescribed.


What is the effect of taking drotin m tablet on the liver?

Friends, Drotin M tablet does not have any harmful effect on the liver. But if you already have any liver problem, then you should contact the doctor once and you should do what the doctor tells you.


 What effect does drotin m tablet have on heart?

Friends, Drotin M tablet does not have any harmful effect on heart. Friends, if you are taking drotin m tablet and you have any problem of heart, then you should contact your doctor once and only then take the medicine as your doctor says, you should do the same.


What are the side effects of taking Drotin M tablet?

Friends, taking Drotin M tablet does not cause any kind of addiction. It is not the type of drug that causes the problem of addiction. You can consume it comfortably.


111. Can I drink alcohol after taking Drotin M tablet?

Friends, drinking alcohol after taking drotin m tablet can be quite dangerous. So consult your doctor once if your doctor instructs you to do so.


What are the side effects of taking Drotin M tablet?

Friends, if you take drotin m tablet, then you may have to face some side effects, although it is not necessary that all people see this side effect. But some people can see these side effects. By the way, it is not serious. But in some cases it can be serious.


If after taking this medicine if you notice any of the below mentioned side effects and you see overdose then you should stop taking the medicine and then consult your doctor as soon as possible And then you need to do as your doctor instructs you.


nausea and vomiting

dry mouth

pulse rate change



loss of appetite


What if I miss a dose of Drotin M tablet?

Friends, if you forget the dosage of drotin m tablet then nothing will happen but you just have to keep in mind that you should not take two doses together under any circumstances. If you take two doses together it can cause harm. If you miss a dose, you should skip the previous dose and take another dose instead.


What can happen if you take an overdose of Drotin M tablet?

Friends, if you take more dosage of drotin m tablet, then its side effects like


• Nausea and vomiting


• Dry Mouth


• Variation by pulse rate






• Loss of appetite


• Heartburn


can be seen. For this you need to contact your doctor as soon as possible and you should do as your doctor says. In case of emergency, you can be taken to a local doctor. The advantage of this would be that the patient's health would be saved from deteriorating.


How to store Drotin M tablet?

Drotin M tablet is very easy to store. For this, all you have to do is that first of all, forgetting about this medicine, you should not keep it inside the fridge. If you keep it in the fridge, it may spoil. Second, you must keep this medicine out of reach of children. Because children can swallow this medicine. And after that you can get into trouble. Apart from this, it may happen that if you forget to keep this medicine under the sun, then do not do this. This medicine may spoil under strong sunlight.


How long does the effect of drotin m tablet last?

Friends, drotin m tablet starts working immediately after taking it. But it depends on the problem, if your problem is very high then it may take more time to recover. Otherwise, if the problem is less, then it will take less time to fix it.


How can drotin m tablet be given to children?

You can take this tablet after meals for children. This is for people aged 13 to 18. And it has to be taken twice a day. And it is effective in stomach pain. Apart from this you should consult your doctor. As your doctor instructs. Accordingly, you can consume the tablet.


 How can teenagers take drotin m tablet?

Friends, drotin m tablet can be taken by teenagers twice a day and can be taken before or after meals. But care has to be taken inside it that the quantity of the tablet as prescribed should be consumed. Consuming more quantity in a hurry can prove to be very fatal for you, so consume only the quantity mentioned.

How can elderly people take drotin m tablet?

 Drotin M tablet can be taken by elderly people twice a day. And you can take this medicine after eating. Apart from this, if there is any problem after taking the medicine, then the doctor should be contacted. And the instructions given by the doctors should also be followed.


What are the side effects of taking Drotin M tablet?

No friends, after consuming drotin m tablet, you do not feel any kind of addiction. This is not the type of drug to make you addicted to it. This drug is very common and does not lead to any kind of addiction.


What happens if you drink drotin m tablet and alcohol?

If you have just taken Drotin M tablet, then you have to avoid consuming alcohol immediately after that. The reason is that it can interact with alcohol. No matter what kind of medicine you take, but do not consume alcohol immediately after that. Otherwise you may get to see harmful effects.


What drugs can drotin m tablet interact with?

Friends, there are some medicines with which drotin m tablet can act, so let's know about those medicines too.


Warf 2 Tablet

Warf 1 Tablet

Lomotil Tablet


Dynapar Tablet

Voveran TPM Gel 30gm

Spafast Gel

Diclotroy Qps Solution


iTROPINE Injection

iTROPINE Injection

Depsol Forte Tablet

Tancodep 2 Mg

Calmpose 10 Mg Injection

Calmpose 5 Mg Tablet


Cyendiv 150 Soft Gelatin Capsule

Nintib 150 Capsule

Nintib 100 Capsule

Nintena 100 Capsule


Angiopril 25 Tablet

Captopril Tablet

Aceten 12.5 Mg Tablet

Aceten 25 Mg Tablet


Amifru 40 Tablet

Amifru Plus Tablet

Frumide Tablet

Biduret Tablet (10)


Warf 5 Tablet (30)

Warfaxin 5 Tablet


Lithosun SR Tablet

Lithosun 300 Tablet

Intalith CR 450 Tablet

Intalith 300 Tablet


Ruticool Cream

Q Press 5 Tablet

Cutisoft Cream 10gm

Keralin Ointment

Genticyn Eye Drop


Q Press 10 Tablet

Who should not take Drotin M tablet?

Friends, there are some diseases in which drotin m tablet should not be taken. We are giving their list below. If someone has these diseases, then before taking drotin m tablet, consult your doctor about it Drug Allergies



heart disease

liver disease

kidney disease

stomach ulcer


liver disease

kidney disease

How long do I need to take drotin m tablets?

Guys how long you will need to take drotin m tablet cannot be answered. This is because it all depends on how much problem you have. If you have a more serious problem, you may need to take this medicine longer. You should ask this question to your doctor only your doctor can give you the right answer.


The problem is not getting better even after taking drotin m tablet, what to do?

If you are taking drotin m tablet. But even after that your problem is not getting better then you should contact your doctor once and the medicine may not be applicable for you. Sometimes your problem is something else and your doctor gives you some other kind of medicine. So friends in this way contact your doctor.


Where can I buy drotin m tablet?

Friends, if you have been given the name of drotin m tablet by the doctor on the prescription, then you can go to any medical store and buy this medicine from there. And if you do not find this medicine there, then you can also buy this medicine online.


 What to do after the drotin m tablet expires

Friends, before taking drotin m tablet, you must check its date. If it has expired, then this type of medicine should not be forgotten. This kind of medicine becomes a poison in a way. And taking this medicine can prove to be dangerous for you. After the drotin m tablet expires, you can bury it inside any ground or you can burn it. That would be fine.


Can the dosage of drotin m tablet be changed?

You can change the dosage of Drotin M tablet. But for this you have to contact the doctor and you have to do as your doctor instructs you. Because the dosage of the medicine has been prescribed by the doctor, then contact him.


What are the substitutes for Drotin M tablet?

• Drotin M Tablet

• Drotamef Tablet

• Drotin M Tablet

• Drofem A Tablet

• Drotikind M 80 Mg

• Spasmindon N Tablet

• Drotohex M Tablet

• Drotanicm Tablet

• Namspas DR Tablet

• Dromef 80 Mg

• Colicure Plus Tablet

• Cyclotab DM Tablet

• Decolic MF Tablet

• Delcolic MF Tablet

drotin m tablet uses in english, drotin m tablet dosage, drotin m tablet side effects, use of drotin m tablet , side effects of drotin m tablet , what is the use of drotin m tablet, drotin m medicine uses, drotin m for stomach pain, drotin m tablet in pregnancy.


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