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aciloc 150 uses

 aciloc 150 uses in english, aciloc 150 uses and side effects, aciloc 150 uses in pregnancy, aciloc 150 uses for gas, aciloc 150 uses for acidity.

Aciloc 150 is used for acidity, stomach ulcers, heartburn. Apart from this, there are many other uses about which we are going to tell you further. If we talk about the dosage of this medicine, then it depends on many things like gender, age etc. This medicine should be taken only with the permission of the doctor. If you do not take this medicine on the permission of the doctor, just take it according to your own wish, then it can cause a lot of problems. It also has some side effects, although all of them do not last long but If the side effects of any medicines persist for a long time then it is necessary to consult your doctor at once and you must also follow the instructions given by your doctor. You must have understood very well about this.


aciloc 150 uses 

• acidity

• stomach ulcer

• Heartburn

• Zollinger Ellison Syndrome

• Acidity

• Hernia

• stomach pain

• Bad mouth

• Laryngitis

• Abdominal pain in pregnancy

• Indigestion in pregnancy

• Acidity in pregnancy

• Indigestion

• Diseases of the digestive system

• Diseases of the stomach

• Sore throat

aciloc 150 uses in stomach gas or acidity


Friends, acidity is emerging as a very common problem these days. If you take this medicine then you get relief from acidity. Well nowadays every person has the problem of gas. And because of this a lot of problems have to be faced. If gas remains in the stomach for a long time, then it starts causing pain inside every part of the body and after that you know how difficult life becomes. The problem of stomach gas. It can be treated by changing the lifestyle. Although it cannot be completely cured with medicines


You get relief only once with medicine. You may get this problem again as soon as you stop taking the medicine. In this way, stomach gas is a serious problem which can give rise to other problems.

You should also be aware of the symptoms of acidity so that you can know that you have this problem. And you can get it treated very easily.


If you have acidity problem then there may be a burning sensation inside the chest. This means that the burning sensation inside your chest can travel up to your esophagus. If you are having any such problem then you may have acidity.

Sometimes the acidic fluid of the stomach also comes back up to the throat, causing a burning sensation as well as a bad taste in the mouth and throat. If you are experiencing this type of symptom then it means that you have acidity. Is.

• Excessive burping and bitter taste in the mouth.

• nausea or vomiting.

• Abdominal distension.

• Persistent dry cough.

• Wheezing.

• Throat problems such as sore throat.

• Chronic sore throat

• Difficulty swallowing.

• Bad breath.

• Black stool or blood in the stool.

• Persistent hiccups.

• Weight loss without any reason

• If you see all these problems very serious then you should see a doctor. Only the doctor can solve your problem, then you should contact the doctor in this regard.

• If the problem of burning inside the stomach is happening again and again, then it becomes necessary to contact your doctor at once.

• If you are experiencing difficulty in swallowing food, then it is important for you to contact your doctor at once.

• If your weight is also decreasing very rapidly, then it becomes necessary to contact your doctor.

• If you have been coughing for a long time, then contact your doctor at once, it may be that the problem is very big and you do not know anything about it.

• If you have hoarseness, wheezing, or if your asthma gets worse.

• If there is pain inside your chest, apart from feeling pain inside your jaw and shoulder, then you should contact the doctor at once.

• Along with pain, if you have trouble breathing, weakness, irregular pulse or sweating.

• If you have diarrhea and blood in your stool.

If you have all these problems or there are some symptoms, then you should contact your doctor once.


Talking about the causes of acidity in the stomach, there can be many reasons for this, due to which acidity can occur in the stomach.


• If you are overweight then your chances of getting acidity are very high.

• Excessive intake of salt.

• Low intake of fiber-rich diet.

• Lack of physical exercise.

• If you consume more tea then you may get gas.

• Apart from this, there can be a problem of stomach gas even in case of overeating, then you should not eat more than required or else it can do harm.

If you also have more gas inside the stomach and the stomach feels more bloated, then you need to pay more attention to the food and drink. You should not eat such foods and drinks which work to cause acidity.


• You can eat two to three meals a day instead of eating more in one go during the day. Its advantage will be that there will be less acidity inside the stomach. Can you understand.

• Food should be taken about 1 to 2 hours before sleeping at night.

• And if you can sweat profusely then you must do so. This reduces the problem of acidity inside the stomach. Can you understand.

aciloc 150 uses in for stomach ulcer

Peptic ulcer, also known as gastric ulcer, is an infected wound in the intestines inside our stomach. These can develop inside the food pipe and small intestine. During this time there may be pain inside the abdomen. It can cause pain from the small intestine to the chest.


If stomach ulcer is not treated on time then it can give rise to serious problems inside our stomach. Therefore, if someone is diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, then he should be treated on time. It becomes necessary.


mikacin injection uses or side effect

• Gastric ulcer occurs inside our stomach.

• Duodenal ulcer usually occurs inside our small intestine.

• Esophageal ulcer is found inside our food pipe.

If we talk about the symptoms of stomach ulcer, then there are many symptoms that you should be aware of. With the help of these symptoms, we can detect stomach ulcer very easily.


• The abdominal pain caused by ulcers can be from the middle part of the stomach to the upper part and can also come in the chest.

• Due to ulcer, burning and cutting pain can be felt inside the stomach. So these are only signs of ulcers.

• Pain in stomach due to ulcer occurs when our stomach remains empty after eating food.

• nausea

• Weight loss

• And loss of appetite can be its main symptom.

Ulcers can cause bleeding inside the stomach. And sometimes this blood can be less, sometimes it can be more. If there is blood coming out with vomiting or coffee-like black substance coming out and if blood is coming out with stool or sticky substance is coming out then you have to It should not be too late to enter the hospital.


It is not known what causes ulcers in the stomach. But it is believed that due to some kind of imbalance in the digestive substances present inside the stomach, ulcers occur. The chances of getting ulcers also increase due to bacterial infection.


• On being above 50 years of age.

• alcohol abuse.

• Tobacco consumption.

• stress.

Spicy food. Ulcers can also occur due to etc. Apart from this, some medicines are also such that they can cause ulcers. Any medicine you are taking. Talk to your doctor about that.


• Consumption of alcohol, smoking, painkillers, caffeine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs etc. should be reduced. Consuming them can cause ulcers inside the stomach. So if you do not consume them, then more can be better.

• Helicobacter pylori bacteria can also cause ulcers inside the stomach. To avoid this, contaminated food and food should not be eaten. And it would be better if you keep the food items clean and this would be right for you.

• If you have any kind of ulcer inside your stomach, then you should consult your doctor once and follow the instructions that your doctor gives you. Due to which the chances of getting stomach ulcer again will be greatly reduced.


Heartburn is also a common problem. Also known as Heartburn. However, the burning sensation in the chest is not related to heart disease. This is a common problem which is seen in many people.


The reason for the burning sensation in the chest is also due to the acid coming inside the throat, so it also needs to be treated on time so that everything goes well.


Due to this, there can also be a bitter taste inside the mouth and always the taste of the mouth remains very bad, so in this way it creates a lot of problems.


Talking about the symptoms of heartburn, there can be many symptoms which are very harmful for you, so let's know about these symptoms so that you can easily find out.


Due to this, there is a burning pain inside the chest, which usually gets aggravated after eating food.


Apart from this, if the amount of acid inside the stomach increases, then due to this, there is a burning sensation inside the chest.


Usually this problem is aggravated by lying down and bending over.


 A sour taste may also be felt in the lower part of the throat.


This can lead to coughing or problems like hoarseness.


Prolonged reflux of acid can be very serious, it removes the top layer of the teeth, increasing the problem of decay inside the tooth.


If we talk about the reason for heartburn, then there are many reasons for this. Usually, when we eat food, the food passes through a 10-inch long tube. And during this time it passes through many holes. Usually these pores close on their own after having a meal. But many times it is not able to close properly, due to which the food comes back inside the tube and due to this irritation arises. Can you understand.


Apart from this, this type of problem is most common in pregnant women. The progesterone hormone causes the lower opening of the esophagus to relax. Due to which the food comes inside the tube, due to which this problem is seen. Because of this, the burning sensation in the chest usually increases significantly after eating food or after sitting and lying down. Apart from this, there are some other things that work to make the burning sensation inside the chest worse, you understand. can.


• smoking

• Being overweight or obese

• drinking caffeinated beverages

• eating chocolate

• Mints or Peppermints

• Citrus fruits

• Tomato products

• Onion

• Spicy food

• And even after consuming alcohol, the burning sensation inside the chest increases significantly.

• If there is a burning sensation inside someone's chest, then he should reduce the consumption of spicy things. And if they consume more of the given things, then the problem of burning inside the chest becomes very high.

A hernia can also cause a burning sensation inside the abdomen. Inside this, a part of the diaphragm gets stuck in the inner part of the chest, which causes burning, so if anyone has this kind of burning, then he should also get treated on time. Otherwise the problem could get worse.

Now if we talk about the prevention of burning sensation inside the chest, then there are many ways that can be adopted which can help a lot in reducing the protection of burning inside the chest. So let us also try to know about what we can do to prevent burning sensation inside the chest.


If there is a burning sensation inside someone's chest, then show the doctor.


If there is a problem of burning inside the chest, then you can consume ginger tea, which can be very helpful in reducing the burning sensation inside your chest. If you consume alcohol and tobacco, then the burning sensation inside the chest can cause a lot of problems, then you should not consume alcohol and tobacco.


• Apart from this, you can also do this that instead of suddenly eating a large amount, eat small amounts of food three times a day. This will help a lot in digesting the food.

• Apart from this, you have to keep one more thing in mind while sleeping and that is to sleep with a pillow. Due to which what will happen is that the acid which is formed inside the stomach will not come inside the food pipe and due to which the burning sensation will be reduced.

• If you are overweight then try to reduce the weight. For this, you can exercise daily, which will be very helpful in reducing your weight.

• Apart from this, if you wear tight clothes, due to this acid can also come up, then wear such clothes which are loose enough on your stomach and are not tight.

aciloc 150 uses in GERD

GERD is a type of problem. What happens inside is that the acid formed inside the stomach comes back inside your food pipe and due to this, there can be a burning sensation inside your throat. It is also necessary to treat it on time. Otherwise it can cause a lot of problems.


Acid reflux and heartburn are both common digestive diseases, if you are having this problem occasionally, then see your doctor and after that your doctor does the work of inspecting your food pipe. It is also important to get it treated on time. Otherwise, a wound can form inside the food pipe, which causes a big problem.


This problem can also be treated with medicines. But its permanent treatment is only when you make changes in your lifestyle. Because otherwise this problem can happen to you again.


• Talking about the symptoms of GERD, you can see many of its symptoms. Usually the burning sensation inside the chest can be seen in your throat. And because of this, the taste of your mouth can also become very bad.

• Pain in chest,

• difficulty swallowing

• dry cough,

• hoarseness or sore throat

• Sometimes you may feel nauseous, due to which the acid comes out.

If you are having a burning sensation inside the chest for a long time, then after that you should not ignore it at all and should visit the doctor. The doctor can give you some medicines so that this problem will be cured easily.


There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from GERD that will make your problem less likely to bother you. So let us tell you some tips to protect it.


• Do not eat food together. Keep eating for a while. So that won't be a problem. And the food will also be digested quite well. In this way you can.

• If you take any kind of intoxicant, then you have to give up that too. This problem spreads more than that.

• If you are sleeping, sleep with your head on the pillow. You should not sleep without a pillow.

• If you sleep after having a meal, then you should not do this, you should use a chair to sleep.

• If you wear more tight clothes then you have to avoid it.

• If you are overweight, then make changes inside the diet and try to reduce your obesity. So that the problem will be fixed.

aciloc 150 uses in Zollinger Ellison syndrome

Zollinger Ellison syndrome is a rare type of syndrome in which you get a tumor in the small intestine. Due to which too much acid starts to build up inside the stomach, due to which there are many ulcers inside the stomach and diarrhea starts. This syndrome can occur at any age. And if we talk about its symptoms, then it has many symptoms. With the help of which it can be detected very easily.


Pain in the food pipe, malnutrition, nausea, blood in the vomit and voice while breathing and abdominal pain may occur.


The only treatment for this syndrome is surgery. And for this the doctor should be expert in it because without experience these tumors cannot be detected. Usually, the doctor may recommend removing a large tumor. Others try to reduce it with the help of medicines.



Hernia is a type of problem. If the internal organ starts coming out, then it is known as hernia. It starts coming out after piercing on any weak rust of the stomach. The hernia can usually be inside the abdomen but it can happen in the waist. Also seen around.


Many times, due to hernia, the internal supply of the stomach gets blocked, due to which this problem becomes very serious and there is a need to contact the doctor immediately. If we talk about the symptoms of hernia, then many symptoms appear inside it. can be. But usually detecting it is not such an easy task. Still, it is kind of like a lump that you can see when you cough or bend. And you may also feel pain around the lump that occurs. So it becomes very important to get its treatment done.


• Apart from this, the problem of difficulty in swallowing and pain inside the chest can also be seen. Apart from this, many times there are no symptoms and you do not even know that you have a hernia. These symptoms appear later.


• The hernia that occurs can also be congenital in some people. This is usually due to increased pressure on the abdominal cavity. And it can come out from the weak part of the stomach. Apart from this, sometimes due to increased pressure on any part of the stomach, the problem of hernia can be very high.


• Apart from this, due to increased pressure on the abdominal wall inside pregnancy, the problem of hernia can also increase significantly.

• And if the cough lasts for a long time, then it can also cause hernia.

• Apart from this, this problem can also happen due to surgery.

• Apart from this, sometimes due to heavy lifting, this problem is also seen very much, which can lead to hernia.

• When constipation occurs, the problem of hernia increases greatly because of it.

By the way, it is very difficult to prevent any kind of hernia. But if you take some precautions, due to this the pressure on the abdomen can be reduced, due to which the chances of getting a hernia can be greatly reduced.

• If you are having a bowel movement then you have to avoid applying too much pressure. Because it can cause this problem.

• To keep your weight under control, you should eat a healthy diet. That would be right for you.

• If you are lifting heavy weight then you need to be careful. And use the right technology. So that shouldn't be a problem.

• If you are having frequent cough then you should visit your doctor once and it is also important for you to follow the instructions given by your doctor.

Aciloc 150 uses for bad mouth

If someone has bad breath inside the mouth then this medicine is also used. Usually if the smell inside the mouth lasts for a long time then it is called bad breath. Well, it can also be embarrassing in a way. As if you are sitting at someone's place and this stink reaches the people near you, then after that you may have to be ashamed.


It affects people of all ages in a way and can lead to a very bad psychological image. This can be a problem in both men and women.


Nowadays, the problem of bad smell inside the mouth is seen in many people. You should know about this too.


Let us now know that what are the symptoms of the bad smell inside the mouth, so it is important for you to know about it too.


• having a fever

• sore throat

• Halitosis

• There may also be mucus.

Along with this, teeth can fall out and there can be blood inside the gums.


If you see some of these symptoms as well, then you should go to the doctor. And they should not be hidden. If you hide, then instead of reducing this problem, it can increase more, which can also take a fatal form in the matter.


If we talk about the causes of bad breath inside the mouth, then there are many bacteria inside the mouth which cause bad breath. Usually, due to not cleaning the inside of the mouth properly, there is also a bad smell. Therefore, it becomes very important to clean the mouth from time to time.


Usually, after eating food, the food sticks to the gums and tongue, due to which there can be bad smell in the mouth. Apart from this, plaque is formed on the tongue, due to which there is a problem of piercing inside the teeth.


If there is a problem of inflammation inside the gums, it can increase the bad breath. Therefore, it becomes necessary to get the treatment of inflammation of the gums.

If you want to reduce the bad breath, then you should do the cleaning of the mouth from time to time. Which reduces this problem.


If cancer or ulcers inside the mouth can also cause foul odor. If it is not treated on time.


Bad odor can occur due to food getting stuck inside the teeth.


Apart from this, this problem can also occur due to wearing artificial teeth inside the night. Because of not cleaning properly.




liver disease


kidney disease


lung disease




And it can also happen because of problems with the nose.


Garlic, onions and spicy foods cause bad breath inside the mouth.


Smoking and tobacco also cause diseases inside the gums, due to which the smell inside the mouth increases.


If you have artificial teeth, then you need to clean your teeth from time to time. If you do the cleaning on time, then the problem of bad smell inside the mouth is greatly reduced. You can understand this.


And if you want to reduce the bad smell of the mouth, then the mouth should not be allowed to dry. If the mouth is dry, then you can drink water again and again. Due to which the problem of dry mouth is greatly reduced. Apart from this, if you want to avoid dry mouth, then you should eat chewing gum. Apart from this, you can also contact your doctor. If you are facing the problem of dry mouth again and again. Keep cleaning your teeth regularly. And showing your teeth to the dentist will greatly reduce the chances of bad breath.


Diet – Consume less onion, garlic and spicy food. If your mouth smells bad. So it is necessary to reduce its consumption. You can eat whole grains and make khichdi and eat it exclusively.

Use of aciloc 150 for abdominal pain

Friends aciloc 150 uses in english can also be used for stomach ache. You can understand. Abdominal pain is usually a pain inside the upper or lower part of the abdomen. The pain that occurs in the stomach can be more or less usually. It can be inside the right or left side of the stomach. You have to understand about it well only then it will be beneficial.


If we talk about the causes of stomach pain, then different reasons can be involved in it. Usually, gas can also cause stomach pain, apart from this some serious reasons can also be present. About which we are going to talk to you below.


If we talk about the symptoms of stomach pain, then stomach pain is also a symptom in itself, which makes you realize that you are having problems.

• Vomiting blood

• blood in the stool

• Shortness of breath

• Loss of appetite

• more pain for several days

• having diarrhea

• Injury to the stomach.

In this way, there can be many symptoms of stomach pain, which are a sign for you, with the help of which you can also know whether stomach pain is normal or how serious is it?


Now if we talk about the causes of stomach pain, then there can be many reasons for this. About which we will discuss.


• If you have a problem of constipation, then it can also cause stomach pain. You should take measures to get rid of constipation.

• Irritable bowel syndrome is a type of disorder that can also cause abdominal pain in a way.

• Menstrual Cramps

• Food Poisoning

• Food allergies

• lactose intolerance

• ulcer or abscess

• Inflammatory disease of the pelvic region

• hernia

• Gallstones

• Endometriosis

• Urinary tract infection etc.

Some people also have to face stomach pain due to the bites of poisonous insects.


Now if we discuss a little on the prevention of stomach pain, then you should eat food properly. It becomes necessary. The reason is that if you do not eat the food properly, then the air goes inside, chew the food and so that the gas formation will be reduced and the chances of stomach pain will be reduced.


Generally, if you want to reduce stomach pain, then you can also do this remedy that do not eat the whole meal at once, but you should eat the food by chewing it. You can eat in pieces so that the weight on the stomach will be reduced and the food will also be digested properly.


aciloc 150 uses in sour dakar

Sour belching is also a common type of problem. Which is seen in many people. You can understand this. If we talk about the reasons for this, then there can be many reasons for this. For example, this problem can happen due to eating too much or it can also happen due to indigestion. This problem occurs due to oily food, smoking, stress, excessive cold drink and drinking alcohol etc. It can cause flatulence and sore throat, burning sensation and vomiting can also occur in some people. You have to understand this too.


If sour belching is not coming due to any other type of disease, then you can take some measures. As you should eat properly and it becomes necessary to think about reducing your weight.


If sour belching is coming for a long time then you should consult your doctor once and you have to follow the instructions given by your doctor then only your problem will be solved.


There is no need to tell you more about the symptoms of sour belching. The reason is that it is very common. But some other symptoms may also appear along with it. About which you should also know, then let us know in detail about those other symptoms.

If you have been having sour belching, then there may also be pain inside your stomach along with it. However, due to eating too much food, the possibility of stomach pain increases significantly.


Apart from this, there is also the sound of good jaggery going inside the stomach. It is usually a sound like digesting food. You are well aware of this.


Constipation occurs due to lack of fiber. So people who are constipated have a lot of problems in bowel movement and the stool does not come for a long time. It is very important to get immediate treatment of constipation.


Apart from this, the stomach can also become bloated. Usually, the stomach becomes bloated when gas is forming inside the stomach. If gas is being formed in the stomach, it can also lead to flatulence. You should understand this very well.


Sour belching is by no means a sign of danger. But even after making changes inside the diet, sour belching is not solving the problem, then after that you should see your doctor once and you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you.


If you want to prevent sour belching, then you can try many measures for this so that you can easily prevent sour belching.

If you are a drug addict, then you have to reduce the intoxication, then only sour belching can be stopped.

Apart from this, you can easily avoid sour belching by drinking a lot of water. You must understand.

If you have a habit of eating a lot of food at once, then you have to avoid this habit. Because a lot of food together works to affect the power of digestion. Can you understand.

Apart from this, you should not lie down after eating, but you should walk for some time after eating food. So that the food will be digested very easily. You can understand this very well.

In this way, if you are having any sour belching for a long time, then you should contact your doctor once and you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you, it will be right for you. Because sometimes this problem can turn into a big problem.

Aciloc 150 is used in diseases of the stomach.

Friends, there can be many diseases inside the stomach. And one common problem is everyone inside the stomach. You can understand. Stomach is that part of our body where the food eaten goes and after that digestion of that food takes place.


Usually some people have problems with stomach pain. As there may be a burning sensation inside the stomach. And there may be digestive problems in the stomach. Apart from this, stomach pain and cancer can also occur. And stomach ulcers can occur. X-rays, CT scans, ultrasound or endoscopy, etc. are used to check for stomach problems.


If you have minor stomach problems, then you can make changes in your diet and then reduce that problem. For example, if you smoke, you can stop doing it. Apart from this, do not eat fatty food, eat food rich in fiber and other nutrients and you can drink more and more water daily, which can be very beneficial for you and works to reduce the problems related to your stomach.


Apart from this, sometimes the pain inside the stomach can also be due to acidity. So for that you can take medicines to reduce stomach gas. Apart from this, if there are problems like stones inside the stomach, then you will need to go to one of your doctors for treatment.


By the way, let us tell you that all the problems affecting the stomach are known as stomach diseases. Such as ulcers in the stomach, gas in the stomach and bloating, colon cancer etc.


If we talk about the symptoms of stomach disease, then many types of symptoms can appear inside it. Which can indicate many diseases, so let us know about these symptoms in detail.


• Burning sensation inside the chest, feeling more tired.

• Feeling of pain in the stomach.

• Nausea etc.

• Apart from this, vomiting of blood also comes inside it.

• Black colored stools.

• Loss of appetite.

• Hiccups while sleeping at night.

• Weight loss.

• Persistent pain inside the chest.

• Some kind of hole inside the stomach, etc.

No one disease is included in stomach disease, but there are many diseases inside stomach disease. And on the basis of symptoms, it is recognized that which disease is inside the stomach? And on the basis of that, the doctor does the treatment.


Stomach cancer is a common type of disease that develops on the upper layer of the stomach. Colon cancer is the most common type of the disease. You can understand this very well. Due to stomach cancer, many symptoms start appearing.


Crohn's disease is also a type of disease that occurs due to inflammation and irritation. It can usually occur inside any part of the abdomen. and can cause inflammation and irritation. You can understand this very well.


Crohn's disease can also be caused by an infection caused by a virus or bacteria. And due to some reason the immune system starts attacking the cells of the stomach as well, then due to this it becomes a disease.


Gastritis is a type of stomach problem and this problem occurs when there is repeated inflammation inside the stomach. And because of this, pain starts inside the stomach and other problems start happening in the stomach, which starts happening especially after eating food.


There is no need to tell you more about stomach gas. Stomach gas is the least serious problem. Inside this, gas starts forming inside the digestive system and due to this, the stomach starts bloating. You must have known about it. However, this problem resolves on its own. In most cases.

 aciloc 150 uses in throat irritation

Throat irritation is a common problem. And this could be due to many reasons. If we talk about the reasons for this, then irritation in the throat is due to acid reflex. Apart from this, due to bacterial infection and viral infection in winter cold can also irritate the throat.


Apart from this, there are also some types of allergies, due to which irritation can arise inside the throat. And it can cause a lot of difficulty in swallowing. You should understand this very well. And it can happen many times according to the season. And sometimes it happens several times a year.


You can reduce the burning sensation inside the throat with the help of many medicines. For this, you can go to the medical store near you and buy medicines without prescription there and after that your problems get cured.


Apart from this, if even common medicines are not getting any relief inside the throat irritation, then you should contact the doctor and you should also follow the instructions given by the doctor.


And if any kind of throat infection is causing this problem, then it is important to get it treated as soon as possible. Because the infection can spread to other parts of the body. And then the treatment becomes quite difficult.


The burning sensation inside the throat is a kind of condition in which there is a condition irritating the throat. And because of this, there can be a sensation in the throat. This problem can also be due to common cold and allergies.


If we talk about the symptoms of burning in the throat, then there are many symptoms that you should know about, so let's know about these symptoms in full detail.


• Hiccups with stomach acid coming up to the throat

• Bad breath inside the mouth

• There may be a sore throat.

• The sound may be bad.

• Food can get stuck in the throat.

• Sour belching may occur.

• Headache may occur.

• Chest pain

• sore throat

• Itchy throat.

Many other symptoms can arise inside it. It becomes necessary to treat it on time. Only then it is very beneficial in a way. Otherwise the problem gets worse.

If your throat irritation is not getting better even after trying many home remedies, then after that you should contact your doctor once and it is necessary for you to follow the instructions given by your doctor. . If you are coughing, have high fever and are losing weight, then it becomes very important for you to contact the doctor.


Sometimes a problem inside the throat can also be a sign of throat cancer. You should know about this too. If someone has cancer, then its treatment should also be done early.

Friends, if we talk about the causes of throat irritation, then there can be many reasons for this, due to which there can be problems of burning in the throat.


• If there is dryness inside the throat, it can also cause irritation in the throat. For this you need to drink water frequently. You should know about this too.

• If you take more alcohol and other types of intoxication, then it creates acid inside the stomach and because of this it starts coming inside the windpipe and because of this also the throat starts burning for you. Some caution is needed.

• Pus starts accumulating in the back of the throat. This causes a burning sensation in the throat and difficulty in swallowing.

• Burning mouth syndrome is a condition in which you may feel that a part of the throat is burning. And this is usually due to the problem of dryness inside the mouth.

• Throat cancer is rarely seen. But sometimes it develops inside the food pipe of the throat. If it is not treated on time, then it takes a very dangerous form.

• Influenza is a common problem, due to which the patient has symptoms of infection inside the throat and because of this, there is a burning feeling inside the throat. You must understand .

How to use aciloc 150

If you want to use aciloc 150, it can be taken after a meal. If you want to know more about this, then you should consult a doctor and you should follow the instructions given by the doctor. You should not take this medicine without the permission of the doctor. Because it is very harmful for you. You should understand this very well.


Is Aciloc 150 safe for pregnant women?

Aciloc 150 is good for pregnant women. Generally it should not be given without the permission of the doctor. If you give it without the permission of the doctor, then it can cause harm. You should have a good understanding about it. And it is also necessary.


If a pregnant woman is taking any other kind of medicine, then first of all she has to tell her doctor about the old medicines. So that no medicine will interact. Because if the drug interacts, then after that there can be a lot of serious damage.

  aciloc 150 uses in english, aciloc 150 uses and side effects, aciloc 150 uses in pregnancy, aciloc 150 uses for gas, aciloc 150 uses for acidity.

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