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mikacin injection uses or side effect

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Mikacin injection is a type of injection. Which is injected inside the body. Well this medicine is especially used inside urine infection. If someone has the problem of urine infection, then this medicine should be used. But it cannot be used without the permission of the doctor. If you use the medicine, then first the doctor writes about this injection. And only then this injection should be used. Then it will work. If you use this injection without the permission of the doctor, then it can prove to be very fatal for you. You can understand this very well.


Apart from this, its side effects do not persist for a long time. But if its side effects persist for a long time then you should stop taking this medicine and consult a doctor at once. The instructions your doctor gives you. It should be followed. This can be very beneficial for you. You can understand this very well. If you are already using any kind of medicine, you will also need to tell your doctor about it so that your doctor can guide you about the medicine you are taking.

 Mikacin injection uses 

• Urine infection

• Bacterial infection

• Meningitis

• Endocarditis

• Skin Infection

• Blood Infection

• Pneumonia

• Peritonitis

• septic arthritis

• Bone infection

mikacin injection uses in english Inside urine infection

This injection is also used in urinary tract infections. It is usually caused by bacteria. Or sometimes it can be due to fungus and fungus. This can be a common infection inside humans. It can be inside the bladder or urethra. And let us tell you that it is usually more inside women than men. The reason for this is that the structure of the genitals of women is similar. that it spreads easily inside them.


To understand urine infection, it is divided into many types, so you should also know about it. Let's know. What are the types of this infection?

Cystitis or bladder infection usually occurs within the bladder and this infection is caused by bacteria. This infection is seen in many people.

Urethritis or urethral infection is a type of infection that occurs inside the urinary tract, due to which pain is felt while passing urine and there is swelling.

Pyelonephritis or kidney infection usually occurs due to infection inside the kidney. And because of this, the patient may usually need to be admitted inside the hospital. Bleeding and fever may occur in this type of infection.

Friends, if we talk about the symptoms of urine infection, then there can be many symptoms. Which we need to think about. With the help of these symptoms, we can find out that we have had urine infection, then these symptoms are something like this?

mikacin injection 500 uses in english

Infection in the bladder causes swelling inside the urinary tract and after that it becomes painful to pass urine.

• Urination is frequent and along with it burning sensation also starts.

• Fear of urinating urgently.

• Smelly, bloody urine.

• Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis.

• Mild fever may also occur and chills may occur.

• Shivering from cold.

• nausea.

• Vomiting.

• There may be flank pain, which is a pain in the upper part of the abdomen and inside the back.

• Symptoms like fever, jaundice, vomiting, diarrhea and irritability are seen in young children.

• Loss of appetite and lethargy can be its symptoms.

If this is a problem for a woman who is especially pregnant, then the woman should get it checked on time because if the test is not done. And if it is not treated, then it can cause a very serious problem during delivery, so it is necessary to get it treated on time.

If we talk about the cause of UTI (Urine Infection), there can be many reasons for this. Which you should know about.



The biggest reason for this is that if a person has sex with many people, then this problem can be seen.

Apart from this, internal cleaning is necessary from time to time. If cleaning is not done on time then after that this infection can spread. You should know about this too.

People who have high sugar level. If this problem is seen more for them, then if the sugar level is high, then it needs to be reduced.

This problem can also be seen due to not emptying the bladder completely. You can understand this very well.

• Stones.

• Contraceptive use.

• Pregnancy.

• Menopause.

Apart from this, some people use contraceptive pills too much, due to which this problem is also seen. You know about it.

Apart from this, some people have weak immunity, due to which this problem also affects soon.

Some people overuse antibiotics, which can also cause this problem.

Measures to prevent urine infection

Friends, there are some remedies with the help of which you can easily avoid urine infection, so let's know that we discuss those measures too so that you can avoid it in case of problem.

Meningitis mikacin injection uses in english

Meningitis is a type of inflammation. Which covers the three membranes of the brain. And it is filled with fluid around it, which becomes infected. This problem can be due to bacterial, viral and fungal infection. And the infection that occurs can also spread due to coming in contact with each other. You should understand this. There can be problems like pain inside the head, stiffness and fever.


Patients with meningitis get cured within a few weeks. Or else this problem can take a very serious form inside some. If someone is suffering from the problem of meningitis, then it should be treated immediately. Therefore it becomes necessary to treat it at the right time. More than 1,00,000 people die from this disease within 20 years. And if it is not treated on time then 50 percent of the people die. should also know.


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Talking about the type of meningitis, we are also going to tell you about it so that you can understand it very well.


Bacterial meningitis is a serious problem and its symptoms begin to appear within 24 to 48 hours, if it is not treated, it can lead to permanent disability and death. You should know about this.


Viral meningitis is not as serious and is caused by a virus. And if a person takes the medicine on time, then after that he gets treated. And it takes at least a week for a person to recover. Spreads through coughing, sneezing or faecal contamination. In this, symptoms like fever, pain inside the muscles and vomiting are seen and if it is treated on time, then it gets cured easily. You should know about this too.


Fungal meningitis disease is very rare and is not that serious. And it doesn't get infected. If it is treated on time, then it gets cured very easily.


Talking about the symptoms of meningitis, some of its symptoms develop within 24 hours after infection and sometimes they can take a long time to develop. You should know about it. If you are taking antibiotics, it can take a long time for symptoms to develop.


If someone has had fungal meningitis, it can take a very short time, such as a week, for symptoms to develop. You should know about it.


• The main symptoms of meningitis include fever, headache and stiff neck.

• More headache is seen in people suffering from this disease.

• Stiff neck can also be seen in meningitis patients.

• Cold, sore throat

• heart attack

• More confusion.

• Apart from this weakness can be seen inside the body. There is no strength in the body.

• Pain and swelling inside the joints can also be its symptoms.

• Rashes may appear all over the body.

If the above-mentioned symptoms are seen by anyone, then it should be easily treated. If not treated, then the problem can become very serious. That wouldbe right for you.


We also tell you about the measures to prevent meningitis, so that you can avoid such diseases very easily, so let's know in detail about the measures to prevent them.


The first way to avoid this is that you need to wash your hands properly, if you do not wash your hands properly then this disease can spread. After working in a public place, after living with animals. Teach children to wash their hands properly.


Do not give drinks, food, straws, eating utensils, lip creams or toothbrushes to others. If you also eat food with someone, then this problem can happen to you, then you will also have to avoid eating food.


Apart from this, you need to cover your mouth with a handkerchief while coughing or sneezing or else there may be a problem.


Apart from this, eat fresh fruits and vegetables regularly. Which will prove to be very beneficial for you.


Avoid eating paneer made from unboiled milk. Eat cottage cheese made from pasteurized milk. And if you eat raw meat, then you should avoid it.


Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine should be given to children. With the help of this vaccine, it helps to prevent this disease. This type of vaccine is also given to some adults. You have to understand this.


Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is used to prevent pneumococcal disease. It is given to children between two and five years of age so that it is very beneficial. In this way, you can apply this vaccine to your children.


Meningococcal conjugate vaccine is also a type of medicine that works very well. It can be given to children. It can be lived within 11 to 12 years of age. And at the age of 16, a booster dose is given.


Fruits and vegetables, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. can be consumed inside it, they help a lot in recovering the patient quickly and work to strengthen the immune system.


Desi chicken can also be consumed inside it, which is laden with many nutrients, nutrients like omega-3 fats, conjugated linoleic acid are inside it. Apart from this, you can consume walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc. It is very beneficial which works very well for you, you can understand this.

Skin Infection

Mikacin 500 mg Injection is used in the treatment of skin infections. You should know about this. Friends, by the way, your skin works to protect you from disease. But what happens many times is that she herself gets infected with the disease. If we talk about skin infection, then it can be due to many reasons such as cut on the skin, injury nose and ear itself, it can also happen due to the bite of the animal itself or by making a tattoo.


When your skin is infected, then you start having symptoms like burning, redness, itching or pus etc. And if you take care of things properly then you can easily avoid skin infection. You should understand well about this, this is important for you.


It is treated with the help of antibiotics. It is necessary to treat it as soon as possible. If it is not treated as soon as possible, then it can spread to other parts of the body. And it is necessary to get it treated on time. You should know about this too.


Skin infections are mainly caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. And people whose immune system is very weak, their chances of getting this disease increase significantly. Essential nutrients should be consumed to improve the immune system. That would be right for you.


If we talk about the symptoms of skin infection, then you can see many symptoms of it. First of all, itching starts at the place where the infection occurs. In addition, there may be pain.


 This pain increases when touched. It can affect many parts of the body. For example, it can affect the face, eyes and legs. Apart from this, it can affect those parts of the body which are very moist. The folds in the skin of the armpits, neck, and the skin between the genitals and thighs, etc. So let's know about its symptoms, by which you can easily get proper treatment for it.


• Skin redness or discoloration

• swelling

• skin feeling warm

• Skin discoloration or complete damage

• Pain worsens when touched

• Skin crusting and itching

• And pus can come out in the skin.

And inside this condition a wound can form. And there may also be fever inside the wound. Let us tell you that fever occurs when the effect of infection goes inside the blood.


• If there is swelling around the cut or there is pain and itching inside it.

• Apart from this, ridges have formed inside the affected area.

• If pus is coming out inside the affected area then you need to show the patient to the doctor.

• If any scratch or cut in the skin has not healed for more than a week.

• This problem may occur if you are not able to move the affected limb properly.

• You have a fever and you are not feeling well.

• Bacterial skin infection is caused when an injury causes bacteria to enter. However, it is not necessary that everyone has a skin infection that is prone to injury. It affects you especially when your immune system is very weak. But if your immune system is not weak then it does not affect you in any way. And the immune system that is there is usually weakened due to the effect of some medicine or food and drink.

• There are two types of bacteria, which by the way keep coming in contact with your skin. Good bacteria are those which do not harm you in any way and bad are those which can give you serious harm.

• And sometimes what happens is that even children can get cut and they get skin infection due to some insect bite. And if the wound is properly treated under such condition then it can be cured. But if for some reason the bacteria enter inside that wound, then the problem becomes very serious. And that wound can take a long time to heal.

• Bacterial infection can spread in many ways, such as it can also spread through someone's cough and sneeze. Apart from this, it can also be spread by towel or toothbrush. And it can also spread due to breathing inside the air.

• Patients who are diabetic are at higher risk of getting skin infection because the blood flow inside their body is greatly reduced, due to which this disease can affect them. So such patients should take care of it.

• People with HIV, AIDS or Hepatitis or have a weakened immune system and this makes it much easier to get a skin infection. Because their immune system is not able to compete with the bacteria, then it takes a very dangerous form later.

• People who are paralyzed or lying in bed. Meaning, those who are victims of some other disease, they get to see this problem very much.

Blood Infection

This medicine is also used in blood infection. This is usually when there is a blood infection. When due to any kind of infection, chemicals start getting inside the blood. So for your information, let us tell you that due to this swelling starts happening inside the whole body. This disease is especially high in people whose immune system becomes very weak. It can damage many parts of the body so that the body parts can stop working. And if the infection increases too much. If so, the blood pressure drops and the person dies.


The initial treatment of sepsis usually consists of giving the patient intravenous fluids along with antibiotics to avoid the possibility of death of the patient. It usually spreads quite rapidly. If you have symptoms of its infection, then you should work towards getting it treated as soon as possible. Because if it is not treated in time, then after that it takes a fatal form and after that it starts causing problems, you have to understand this thing very well.


You should also know about the symptoms of blood infection. If you do not know about its symptoms, then you will not be able to get its treatment done at the right time, then let us know about its symptoms in detail.


• Breathing rate greater than 20 in a minute.

• Possible or confirmed infection.

• High body temperature.

• Heart beat more than 90 in a minute.

• Difficulty in breathing

• Sudden change in mental state

• Platelet count incidence

• Abdominal pain

• There may be less urination etc.

Most of the people suffering from the problem of blood infection are then admitted inside the hospital. When they become too much of a problem. And after that they are admitted inside the ICU. If someone has this problem then he should work within the direction of treatment as soon as possible.


Immune cells defend the body against foreign invading microbes/viruses. And sometimes this problem arises due to the malfunction of the immune system. This problem can arise if the immune system malfunctions. This is most likely due to a bacterial infection.


People with serious medical problems like appendicitis, pneumonia, meningitis or urinary tract infections are also at increased risk of sepsis.


Friends, let us know which people are at increased risk of blood infection. So let's know about it.


This problem is more common in very young children.

If you are older, then your immune system is very weak, then this problem can also be due to this.

People who take medicines like steroids can have this problem. Usually, these drugs suppress the immune system to a great extent, due to which there is a lot of problem. So such people are at a much higher risk. of having this disease.

People who are diabetic patients have a high chance of getting blood infection, so you should be careful.

People who have problems with HIV and cancer can get this disease. Because their immunity is greatly reduced.

The risk of getting this disease also increases significantly for people who have had surgery before.

If we talk about the prevention of blood infection, then there are some things to keep in mind, with the help of which you can avoid this infection, then let us know about those things with the help of which you can avoid infection.


For this, you should get flu vaccination and pneumonia etc. Because this will greatly reduce your risk of getting a blood infection.

Apart from this, you should maintain cleanliness. You should clean the wound from time to time so that the problem does not arise.

People with weakened immune systems should pay more attention. Friends, people whose immune system is very weak, they are more likely to get this disease. So if someone is feeling that their immune system is very weak, then they should work to improve their immune system.

The problem of urinary tract infection is usually much more in the elderly. So friends, let us tell you that the elderly need special care in this matter. The chances of bacteria entering the bladder should be reduced and sterile techniques should be used.

Septic arthritis or joint infection

Septic arthritis or joint infection Mikacin 500 mg Injection is used to treat infections that occur inside the joints. It is mainly caused by infectious agents that reach the joints through injury or through the bloodstream. It is one of a kind If seen, it is a very serious condition. And it can happen to humans of any age, then you can understand what kind of disease it is. And the one who gets it becomes completely unable to walk. And babies are most likely to get this disease. Because their immune system is very weak.

In older children and adults, this problem can usually occur in the knee and hip joint. By the way, talking about its common symptoms, it can be like pain, fever, swelling, pain on touch, redness. And let us tell you that with age, the symptoms of this disease can be different. There can be severe pain inside.

Mikacin 500 mg Injection in Peritonitis

This medicine is also used in peritonitis. And it is a very useful medicine. You should know about it. The peritoneum is a membrane-like tissue inside the abdomen. This disease occurs due to inflammation inside the peritoneum.


Peritonitis can usually be caused by injury and infection inside the abdomen, or by bacteria or fungi. And it is very important to get its treatment done on time or else it can take a very terrible form.


If you are taking peritoneal dialysis therapy, then you may have a problem with this. and contact your doctor. And you can try to know more and more about it. Friends, let us tell you that this problem starts with abdominal pain. If there is severe pain inside the abdomen, then your doctor should be contacted. Because if you do not contact the doctor, then in that case it can spread to other parts of the body as well and can become a problem for you. And if the condition becomes serious then the patient can even die.


You should also know about the symptoms of peritonitis. Because if you do not know about the symptom, then you will not be able to recognize it properly. And its treatment will also not be able to be done on time, you can understand. well about it. The biggest symptom of this is abdominal pain. Your problem starts with stomach ache. And there may be pain on touching along with stomach pain. So some common symptoms are as follows.


• stomach enlargement

• nausea and vomiting

• Diarrhea

• Constipation

• Very little urination

• Anorexia, or loss of appetite

• excessive thirst

• Tiredness

• Fever and chills

Talking about the causes of peritonitis, it can be in many ways. For example, if someone's kidney or liver gets spread, then this problem can also be seen because of that. Apart from this, the second reason is that this problem is also seen due to bacterial infection. Can you understand.


Peritonitis is a serious disease and the risk of death due to it is up to 40 percent. Therefore, if someone gets this disease, then it is necessary to treat it on time.


• Abdominal wound or injury

• stomach ulcers

• Pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas

• Due to problems like liver cirrhosis etc., this disease is also seen very much. So you can understand how it is beneficial.


This medicine is also used in endocarditis. Endocarditis is a type of infection usually occurring on the lining of the heart. When bacteria reach the heart through your bloodstream or through the mouth, then this infection can occur. And if you do not get it treated in time, then it can reach the heart valves and then dangerous complications. You should understand that if someone has this disease, then it becomes necessary to contact the doctor as soon as possible.


People who have damaged heart valves, artificial valves or any other heart-related problem are at a very high risk of getting it, so in this way you can understand that it is quite dangerous.


You should also know about the symptoms of endocarditis. If you are not aware of its symptoms then you cannot recognize this disease. So you need to be aware of its symptoms properly.


• Due to this pain inside the joints and muscles

• breathlessness

• Night sweats are its symptoms.

• new and changed sound due to rapid blood flow to the heart

• If you feel more tired then it could be a problem

• You may have a fever. Also you may feel cold.

• You may have blood in your urine

• And you can lose weight continuously, then you should be careful.

• Small purple or red spots on the skin, white spots in the eyes and inside the mouth

• Persistent cough

• Appearance of yellowness.

If you see any symptoms of endocarditis, then you should contact your doctor as soon as possible and you should follow the instructions given by your doctor. That would be right for you.


Endocarditis does not usually attack people who have a healthy heart. If your heart is not healthy, then your risk of infection becomes very high, especially if you have had heart surgery or some problem with the heart. If artificial valves etc. are present, then your risk of infection increases significantly.


• Congenital heart defect occurs inside some people, due to this problem is also seen in some people. So if you also have any kind of birth defect, then you should be careful with it.

• If someone gets endocarditis once, then after that the chances of getting re-infection are very high, then he will need to be very careful.

• Those who use illegal drugs by injection are more likely to get endocarditis. And the injections used to inject the drugs may be contaminated, which can cause problems for you. Can you understand.

Can pregnant women take Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

Mikacin 500 mg Injection should not be used by pregnant women. This can be quite dangerous for them. And if they also need it, then consult your doctor once about it, you need to follow the instructions that your doctor gives you. If you do not follow it properly then the problem can become very serious. You also need to understand about this.

Is Mikacin 500 mg Injection safe during breastfeeding?

Friends, if a woman is breastfeeding and she consumes Mikacin 500 mg Injection. There is no information about its effect. But it is better that it should not be consumed without the permission of the doctor. It can be very dangerous for you. It is better to contact your doctor once, your doctor will tell you whether you need it or not. If you don't need it then he won't give it to you in writing.


What is the effect of Mikacin 500 mg Injection on your kidneys?

Are taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection. And if you already have any kidney related problem, then you should not take this injection. Or should you talk to your doctor about taking it, your doctor will tell you whether you need it or not? And also tell your doctor about the medicines you are already taking as some medicines may not work with this injection. So talk to your doctor about the problem completely.


How does Mikacin 500 mg Injection harm your liver?

Friends, Mikacin 500 mg Injection can harm your liver. But it's just light and temporary, so you don't need to worry about it. And if you are already suffering from any liver related problem then you should tell your doctor about it once and you should follow the instructions given by your doctor. And you should work accordingly.

What kind of effect does Mikacin 500 mg Injection have on heart?

By the way, Mikacin 500 mg Injection is completely safe for the heart. But even after that, if you have any kind of problem after taking it, then you should contact your doctor once, you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you. And then if you are already taking any kind of medicine. So you also have to tell your doctor about it so that he can take effective treatment.


Can taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection cause addiction?


By the way, there is no addiction after applying Mikacin 500 mg Injection. It is not the type of drug that is addictive. But there are changes in the medicines from time to time, so once you contact your doctor and you should follow all the instructions which he gives. That would be the best way for you. Rest you yourself are intelligent, know things very well.


Can I drive or operate machinery after taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

Friends, after taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection, you can drive any heavy machinery or vehicles. It doesn't affect your mind. But if you see any kind of side effect after some time, then after taking it you should take rest once so that everything will be fine.


Does Mikacin 500 mg Injection work in treating mental disorders?

No Mikacin 500 mg Injection does not work in treating mental disorders. If someone has a mental disorder then after that he should contact his doctor once and the instructions given by the doctor should be followed. We have already told you about the things under which Mikacin 500 mg Injection works, you will know that this injection works inside all those things and apart from this you should talk to the doctor once.


Can I take Mikacin 500 mg Injection without doctor's permission?

Friends, you should not take Mikacin 500 mg Injection without the permission of the doctor. Because it is not safe at all under this condition. So you should not use it without medical permission, then it will be better for you too.

Where can I buy Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

Friends, you will easily get Mikacin 500 mg Injection at any kind of medical store. And if you do not get it at the medical store then you can buy it from any online store. But before using, you should see the date once without seeing the date, if you use it, there can be serious consequences.


 Can I drink alcohol after taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

If you have taken Mikacin 500 mg Injection then you should not consume alcohol. Although its effects are not known. But even after that if you consume alcohol then it can be fatal for you. And you can see this once by talking to your doctor and you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you. And it would be best that you do not drink alcohol, you can take alcohol after 2 hours of injection.


In what quantity can I take Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

You cannot determine the dosage of Mikacin 500 mg Injection. For this you have to contact your doctor and what your doctor gives you instructions. You must follow it. And your doctor will tell you in what quantity you can take it. Note that do not take this injection without the permission of the doctor. Otherwise there may be a problem.


Where can I store Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

You must store Mikacin 500 mg Injection in the right places. You should not keep it under the sun, if you keep it under the sun, it can spoil the injection. Apart from this, if you keep it inside the freeze, then you may have to face a lot of damage, then you will have to avoid keeping this injection inside the freeze, it will be right for you. Apart from this, you should keep it out of reach of children. You can store it at room temperature.

Take Mikacin 500 mg Injection before or after food

Friends, talk to your doctor about this, your doctor will tell you how you can take this injection so that you do not have any kind of problem.


 What are the side effects of taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

There are many side effects that can occur after taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection. However, these side effects are not permanent. If the side effects persist for a long time after taking this injection then you should consult with your doctor at once and you should follow the instructions that your doctor gives you, it will be better for you. Do not take it without the permission of the doctor.


• Diarrhea,

• hearing loss,

• spinning sensation (vertigo),

• Numbness,

• tingling in the skin,

• muscle twitches and cramps,

• Dizziness,

• Ringing or roaring in the ears,

• Allergies,

• Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea (CDAD),

• skin rash,

• drug fever,

• Headache,

• numbness and tingling,

• Vibration ,

• Nausea,

• Vomiting ,

• an increase in white blood cells (eosinophilia),

• joint pain,

• anemia ,

• low blood pressure, and

• Low blood magnesium.

Can Mikacin 500 mg Injection be given to children?

You can give Mikacin 500 mg Injection to children. But within what dosage do you have to give this injection? You have to consult your doctor about this. Because only the doctor will tell you whether it is necessary or not necessary for your child, then do not forget to talk to your doctor about it.


What are the precautions to be taken while taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

If you are on Mikacin 500 mg Injection then you need to observe certain precautions. Some diseases are such that it is not suitable for this injection, then you have to tell the doctor about it. As if


• Dehydration

• Parkinson's disease

• Calcium deficiency

• Deafness

• kidney disease

• Drug Allergies

If anyone has the above mentioned diseases, then this injection should not be used. Because it can prove to be very dangerous for you. We will suggest you that you talk to your doctor once about it, only then it will be right.


What to do in case of overdose of Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

Friends, if there is no chance of an overdose of Mikacin 500 mg Injection. If your doctor has told you to have this injection, you will have to give this injection at the same time. And if you accidentally overdose then contact your doctor at once. You should follow the instructions your doctor gives you. This becomes very important for you.


What to do after expiry of Mikacin 500 mg Injection

Friends, if Mikacin 500 mg Injection expires then you should not use this injection. Because if you use expired injection then you may have to face fatal consequences, then you should not use it, it is better that you throw it out of your house or bury it somewhere.


 Is there any effect even after taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

Friends, if you have taken Mikacin 500 mg Injection. But even after that your problem is not getting better then you should talk to your doctor once and follow the instructions that your doctor gives you, maybe he can change your medicine so that you Its effect will start showing.


What are the symptoms of allergy after taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

Friends, if after taking Mikacin 500 mg Injection, itchy face and swollen mouth, or difficulty in breathing, then you should stop using this injection and consult your doctor at once. This would be more suitable for you. We have talked about it in detail.


What if I forget to take Mikacin 500 mg Injection?

Friends, if you forget to take Mikacin 500 mg Injection, then you should avoid taking two doses of it at the same time. If it is time for the second dose, then take the second dose only and do not take the first dose. Because if you take two doses together then you may have to face very serious consequences and you can also talk to your doctor about it. And you should follow the instructions your doctor gives you.

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